add in/add on/add up /add to 有什么区别

Thy way you go about purchasingan article or a service can actually save you money or can add( )the cost.这句话什么意思,( )里填什么
还有add up to的意思

应该填add to.
add up

英:To be reasonable plausible or consistent; make sense中:言之有理,有意义:合理的,似可信的或一致的;使有意义 The witness's testimony simply did notaddup. 证人的证词根本不合理。
英:To amount to an expected total
中:符合预期值:加起来达到的预期总数 a bill that didn'taddup. 与预算不符的帐单。
英:To formulate an opinion of
中:评定,看法:形成对…的意见 added up the other competitors in one glance. 一眼就形成对其他参赛者的看法。
英:addup to Iaddall the figures up to 100 。

add (sth) to 往...中添加.
Pleaseaddsome salt to the soup.

add on (在计算或目录的末尾额外)加上, 附加
Here is your bill; we've added on the five per cent service charge.这是您的账单, 我们已把5%的服务费加进去了。

add in 加进去, 计算在内; 包括
If there is going to be a study group, please don't forget to add me in.要是成立学习小组, 别忘了把我算进去。