

China since ancient times "jade country" reputation, the ancients regarded jade as something precious, as Jane decorative wear. Ancient medical book called "jade is a beautiful stone, sweet natured nontoxic", and that jade is the most abundant human body stocking material strength. That suck with jade, with saliva and its synergistic effect, "Shengjinzhike, except in the stomach heat, flat trouble melancholy, nourishing heart and lung, larynx, hair." Thus jade not only as jewelry, ornaments, decorative use, but also for health fitness. Ancient dynasties each imperial concubines health does not leave the jade, jade and Song Huizong addicted addiction, Yang town with jade summer.
Jade's health mechanism has been confirmed by modern science. According to chemical analysis, jade contains a variety of trace elements beneficial to human body, such as zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, wearing jade trace elements can be absorbed by human skin, activate cells, improve the body's immune function. Traditional Chinese medicine said it has "some patients to take medicine can not cure, but often wear jade cure disease", this is the truth. If wearing a longterm healthy jade bracelet massage, can not only passive de blurred vision of the disease, but also build strength, raise the spirit.

我国自古以来就有“玉石之国”的美名,古人视玉如宝,作为珍饰佩用。古医书称“玉乃石之美者,味甘性平无毒”,并称玉是人体蓄养元气最充沛的物质。认为吮含玉石,借助唾液与其协同作用,“生津止渴,除胃中之热, 平烦懑之所,滋心肺,润声喉,养毛发。”因而玉石不仅作为首饰、摆饰、装饰之用,还用于养生健体。自古各朝各代帝王嫔妃养生不离玉,而宋徽宗嗜玉成癖,杨贵妃含玉镇暑。