六年级英语作文《我的梦》 带翻译 请告诉我怎么写


题目My dream I have a dream我有一个梦想 . 追问: 不是题目哦,是这个内容怎么写,注意;是英语作文哦! (请告诉我内容怎么写) 回答: My dream is to be a teacher when I grow up. 等我长大我想成为一名教师That's because both of my parents are teachers and they influence me a lot.因为我的父母都是很好的老师 All the students respect them so I would like to be a person like them.所有学生都很尊重他们读完了大学我也想像他们一样 From now on, I will study hard so that I can enter a Normal University. I will learn more during my free time because to be knowledge is important, too.我一定要好好学习因为知识也是很重要的 追问: 《我做的梦》六年级英语作文也是要带翻译的哦 谢谢! 内容怎么写 不是我有一个梦想,是我的的梦 不过还是要谢谢你了 请告诉我这个作文怎么写 写少点就行
