
“The President then refered to the question of the Ryukyu Islands and enquired more than once whether China would want the Ryukyus. The Generalissimo replied that China would be agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyus by China and the United State and, eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the trusteeship of an international organization.”
Generalissimo 是总司令的意思,是有大总统的意思吗?有委员长的意思吗?

第1个回答  2010-10-03
“The President then refered to the question of the Ryukyu Islands and enquired more than once whether China would want the Ryukyus. The Generalissimo replied that China would be agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyus by China and the United State and, eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the trusteeship of an international organization.”
第2个回答  2010-10-03

generalissimo [,dʒenərə'lisiməu]
1. (三军)总司令,大元帅,最高统帅
2. 军团司令

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek: 总统蒋介石;蒋委员长

generalissimo 在该语境中指“蒋介石”,翻译成大总统或蒋委员长皆可
第3个回答  2010-10-03
总统然后提到了琉球群岛的问题并且不止一次询问了中国是否将想要Ryukyus。 最高统帅回复中国是愉快的由中国和团结的状态,并且共同管理,最终,联接Ryukyus的职业由二个国家在国际organization.”的受托职责之下
第4个回答  2010-10-03
第5个回答  2010-10-03