

let's go find him

go for

去    go; leave

找    look for; try to find; disco ...

去拿,去找    go for

径直去找    come right of

径直去找(某人)    come right of

去请,去找,去拿    go down with; go for

去找;抨击;充作;喜欢    go for

去找大叔    collector gouph

我去找鸡    i went to a whore

嗅着去找    snuffle

派人去找某人    send for

派人去找医生    send for a doctor

有空我去找你    i'll call on you in my spare time

会去找替代品,而对于    consumer

你不必到远处去找    you dont have to look very far

去找到我的空间    to find my space and satisfy you too

去找拉兹罗-德里克    lazlo drake

去找有夏季的地方    seeking summer climes

劝他去找医生看看    get him to see a doctor

如果你太常去找她    if you visit her too often she thinks it is boring; if you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring

我立刻就去找你    i'll be with you in an instant

有事去找老师商量    consult your teacher when problems crop up

卑躬屈膝地去找某人要钱    go cain hand to sb asking for money

但是如果你不去找她    if you don't she accuses you of double crossing; if you don't, she accuses you of double-crossing

但我可以走千里路去找你    to get to u i'd walk a thousand miles
