a frustrating experience英语作文

a frustrating experience英语作文

I had never been more anxious in my life. This was the first time I
traveled all by myself. I did not speak English well and had difficulty
understanding people. Now, standing at the international section of the
airport, I was nervous and scared, not knowing what I would have to
face. As it turned out, I had the most frustrating experience of my
I looked around, and nothing was familiar. A pile of questions
pounded in my head. Where was the ticket counter? Where was customs? How
could I find the boarding gate? The more I thought, the more worried I
I tried to ask for help, but all my words came out wrong. I saw a woman sitting in the corner, so I went up to her timidly.
"Excuse, lady. Where ticket counter?" I asked in broken English, pronouncing "ticket counter" as something like "tin can".
"Tin can? What do you need it for?" the woman asked back, with a confused face.
"Ticket, paper, flight," I yelled and waved my hands in a flying manner.
She looked at me, even more confused. "Tin, flying?"
At that moment, someone across the hall waved at her. She stood up in hurry and said, "Sorry, I can't help you. I have to go."
I felt awful. I had been in this country for months, and I couldn't even ask for directions.
I finally checked in at the ticket counter, another problem came up: I
could not find customs. My flight would take off in 40 minutes. I
dragged my enormous suitcase behind me and came to an elevator. I had no
idea which floor to go to. I got on the elevator and pressed button 3
randomly. The elevator slowly climbed up to the third floor and jerked
to a stop. I came out and found myself in an empty lobby.
formed in my eyes as I thought I would miss my flight. Just then an old
airport employee shuffled around the corner. Seeing that I seemed lost,
he smiled kindly and asked, "Do you need help?"
"Yes. I ... customs," I said. Tears rushed down my cheeks.
worry, honey. I will take you there," he comforted me. He took my
suitcase and led me up some stairs. After arriving at customs, he led me
past all the lines of people and pushed my luggage to the inspection
When I turned around to thank him, he was gone. I never
know the wonderful man's name, but I will always remember his generous
help. I hope that one day I can do the same for a traveler who suffers
from similar frustrations.
第1个回答  2019-05-18
I have a frustrating experience when I was about 10 years old. After more than 10 years,it still fresh in my mind up to this time.
  It was a burning hot day in the summer,I thought I have already for the math test that day,so I did not mind at all .I finished the test as as quickly as possible and handed in without any examination.
when it came out,I felt so frustrate.I made so many mistakes. what should I do about this mess?
My teacher didn't rebuke m. she lets me be more careful. I had a great lesson from this experience. I would have be patient for everything, and the try my best to finish it.
第2个回答  2016-05-16
We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never have.
The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2016-12-15
For most foreigners, their first impression about China is the food,