

圣诞老人虽然是西方传说中的人物,但这个人物是有原型的。它的原型其实是基督教的圣人圣.尼古拉斯(Saint Nicholas)。12月25日被定为圣诞节,圣诞节的前一天晚上被定义为平安夜。这就好像我们定义大年初一是新年,前一天是年三十一样,两者都非常有意义。




圣诞老人是西方神话传说中的人物,传说圣诞老人会在平安夜悄悄地给每一位孩子送礼物。一般大家都认为圣诞老人的原型是基督教的圣人圣·尼古拉斯 。


第1个回答  2021-03-05

第2个回答  2018-12-25
第3个回答  推荐于2019-09-11
American version of the Santa Claus, his image and name comes from the Dutch legend, 17 th century by immigrants to New York.
In early 1773 in the United States appeared in newspapers news "Santa Claus", this is the best-selling author Washington-the first time Michael Owen as americans on how the Dutch version of the Nicholas (Santa) of information.
According to the New York historical records, Michael Owen with the pen name Diedrich in 1809 years of newspaper, described on horseback (no black horse's with) the arrival of the Nicholas.
The source of the Santa Claus dating back to last century, as we know, he is different legends and mystery man type combination of the two.
Santa's predecessor is Turkey west port city of Iraq this mill bishop Nicholas, he lived in the 4 th century, is kind and generous, for to the children are very good rich man
Orthodox respect Nicholas, see it as created a miracle
在德国中部和北部地区,尼古拉斯被称为“圣诞老人”,在英国被称为“圣诞父亲”,被美国的荷兰移民称为后来的“Santa Claus”。
In central and northern Germany, Nicholas is called "Santa Claus", in the UK are called "Father Christmas", the Dutch immigrants called later "Santa Claus".
The children all want to know Santa Claus live in where, when they will receive gifts? The answer is usually Santa Claus live at the North Pole, his workshop production Christmas presents.
1927年被孩子们称做“Markus叔叔”的儿童节目主持人Markus Rautio第一次透露:圣诞老人生活在拉普兰的Korvatunturi。
1927 children called "Markus uncle" of the children's program host Markus Rautio first revealed: Santa Claus live in lapland Korvatunturi.
Located in the eastern border of Finland Korvatunturi found a similar to the hare's ears, the fact is Santa Claus ears, it used to listen to their wishes.
Scandinavia legend tells a Santa Claus and assistant elf gate of history.
At the end of the last century, the northern hemisphere different about the legend of Santa Claus rolled into the same version-white beard old man delivering gifts for the children, and then back to Finnish lapland Kornatunturi.
1950年开始,圣诞老人快乐地逗留在napapiiri, 除了圣诞节还要和孩子们及年轻人进行沟通。
Beginning in 1950, Santa Claus happy stay in napapiiri, in addition to Christmas and the children and young people to communicate.
圣More and more people regularly visit Santa Claus, in 1985, he set up his own studio, Santa Claus is coming to the office every day to listen to the children's Christmas wishes and and their communication.
The old man village Christmas is Santa Claus's main post office, it accepts the children all over the world to Santa's letters.本回答被网友采纳