

第1个回答  推荐于2019-10-14
  一、接动名词或不定式作宾语且意义相差不大的动词有:like(喜欢),love(喜欢),hate(憎恨),prefer(宁可),begin(开始),start(开始),continue(继续),can’t bear(不能忍受),bother(麻烦),intend(想要),cease(停止)等。例如:
  He likes to sing [singing]. 他喜欢唱歌。
  It has started to rain [raining]. 开始下雨了。
  You needn't bother to come up [coming up]. 你不必费心过来了。
  The baby continued to cry [crying] all night. 这孩子哭了一整夜。
  The old man ceased breathing [to breathe]. 老人停止了呼吸。
  1. 当 like, love, hate, prefer 与 would或者should 连用时,其后只能接不定式。例如:
  误:I'd like going now.
  正:I'd like to go now.
  2. 当 begin, start 本身为进行时态或后接 know, realize, understand 等静态动词时,其后的动词只能用不定式。例如:
  误:He began realizing that he was wrong.
  正:He began to realize that he was wrong.
  Remember to clean your room. 记得打扫房间。(还未打扫,先是remember,之后才clean)
  He forgot to pay me the money. 他忘记要给我付钱了。(尚未付钱,forgot时还没pay)
  He stopped to listen, but heard nothing. 他停下来听了听,但什么声音也没有听到。(先停后听)
  I remember cleaning the classroom. 我记得打扫了教室。(已打扫过)
  He forgot paying me the money. 他忘记曾给我付过钱。(已付过钱了)
  He stopped speaking. 他不讲话了。(先说后停)
  2、go on to do sth 和go on doing sth 也有类似差别:前者表示做完某事后接着做另一事,后者表示继续做正在做的事。例如:
  You shouldn't go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。(go on 后接doing通常被认为是现在分词而不是动名词)
  Go on to do the other exercises after you have finished this one. 做完这个练习后, 请接着做其他的练习
  3、try 后接不定式表示设法做某事,接动名词表示做某事试试(看有什么效果)。例如:
  I'll try to come tomorrow. 我明天设法来。
  Let's try knocking at the back door. 咱们敲敲后门试试。
  4、mean 后接不定式表示打算(想要)做某事,接动名词表示意味着(做某事,接动名词表示意味着要)做某事。例如:
  He did not mean to hurt you. 他不是有意要伤害你。
  This illness will mean going to hospital. 得了这种病就意味着要住院。
  5、can't help后接动名词表示禁不住做某事,接不定式表示不能帮助做某事。例如:
  He couldn't help crying when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时禁不住哭了。
  The medicine can't help to get rid of your cold. 这药不能帮你治好感冒。
  三、接动名词或者不定式作宾语但语态不同的动词有:need,want, require等。
  在 need, want, require等表示“需要”的动词后,接不定式和动名词均可,且含义也相同,但是语态不同:接动名词时用主动式表示被动含义,接不定式时则要用被动式表示。例如:
  My coat needs mending [to be mended]. 我的外套需要缝补一下。
  I need to mend my coat. 我要补一下我的外套。
  Your coat wants brushing [to be brushed]. 你的大衣需要刷一刷。
  I want to brush your coat. 我想刷一刷你的外套。
  此类动词通常是see, hear, feel, smell, listen to, notice, watch等感官动词。我们一般用现在分词来表示正在进行的未完成的动作;用不定式表示已经完成的动作,经常性的动作,或非延续性的动作,此时的动词不定式在主动语态中不带to,在被动语态中必须带to。例如:
  I saw him playing basketball on the playground. 我看见他在操场上打篮球。(正在打,部分过程)
  I saw him play basketball on the playground. 我看见他在操场上打篮球。(打完球了,全过程;主动句,无to)
  He was seen to play basketball on the playground. 有人看见他在操场上打篮球。(被动句,要带to)
  I noticed him buy a pen in the shop. 我看见他在商店里买了一支笔。(buy为非延续性动词)
  We often hear her sing in the classroom. 我们经常听见她在教室里唱歌。(经常性的动作)本回答被网友采纳