需要简单介绍一下怎样做美式早餐(用英文哦) 在线等 快


1, buy sausage, sandwiched two pieces of bread and cheese on point. To make a sandwich. (also can put some sesame)
2, pour the milk in the glass is pure milk (nutritious),
3 and the chicken wings or chicken leg in an oven or Fried.
第1个回答  2010-09-05
成人套餐Adult Package
儿童套餐Children Package
糯米鸡 (独特中国食品无英文名)推荐译为炸饭团Fried rice ball
玉兔包Lotus seed paste package
冬茸酥Dried crisp cake
葱油饼Fried Onion pie本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-09-11
July 1, 1997, after reunification, according to "People's Republic of China Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law," the relevant provisions of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the executive, legislative and judicial, with the exception of the use of Chinese, but also can continue to use English.
Hong Kong's freedom of religious belief, the world's major religions in Hong Kong, almost all people believe. Hong Kong Chinese, the main beliefs of Buddhism, Taoism, "Trust God" the most.因袭, although they are the traditional religious beliefs and customs, but there is no consciousness and the concept of religious. It is generally worship ancestral tablets, god of land. The first and will pay his respects or 15 "candle light" on every event and have to pay a traditional festival, usually go to the temple to pray for the successful transfer or less.
According to the Chinese Temples Ordinance, Hong Kong must be registered in all temples. According to statistics, a total of more than 360 temples in Hong Kong, the public has 40 temples, 24 days after the temple. Coastal waters of Hong Kong, engaged in fishing, shipping from the public, so in the temple, the Shrine is the most days. It is said that姓林days, Fujian, and sacrifice their lives to save the fishermen throw themselves into the sea, was regarded as the patron saint of fishermen and seafarers. Said to have 250,000 followers. Tin Hau temple in Hong Kong to the Fat Tong Mun Joss House Bay's most prestigious one.
Days after the March 23 annual Lunar New Year Festival, is the most solemn of traditional festivals. Worship in the temples of other gods also Kuan Yin, Pak Tai, etc. Guandi. Many stores are also located on the Timor tablets in order to bless.
Traditional Chinese festivals such as Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth, the customs and the Mainland as basic. For the convenience of the public holiday, home, the Government has enacted a statutory holiday. In addition, such as burning clothing (Hungry Ghost Festival, Chinese New July 14), Tanabata (Festival乞巧), Kwun Yam Festival, master the birthday of Tin Hau Festival, etc., must be held in the traditional worship, very lively, is classified as a grand tour programs.
Breakfast more than the people of Hong Kong to the Chinese restaurant for tea, eat dim sum or Cantonese dining drink "West tea" (tea, lemon tea, coffee, bread). Staff work to eat lunch meals in general, fast food restaurant or to drink tea restaurants. Dinner is dinner, most of the traditional Cantonese way of eating. Hong Kong people are often similar to each other tea drinking. Like a banquet, more than 21 o'clock in the open seats, the owner has been around 4:00 waiting for the guests, as well as entertainment Taiwan mahjong, play mahjong not generally arrive around 7:00 for the good. Seated in general is free, but guests have to wait until the owner said, "from chopsticks," began to eat. Meal, the elbow can not cross stretcher, pillows table; not "cross the river Dumbo", that is, stretching from far away chopsticks in the food dish; not "mirror-American" and will take up back plate dishes; soup not issued sound, complete meal food bowl will not stay.吃菜drinking it should not always chopsticks in hand, Sean toast that are impolite invited. On the fish, head to the guests at the direction of not eating fish flip (put "ship" means).
Hong Kong people have a lot of taboo菜名not auspicious auspicious name change of the name, such as the liver is called pig-run, due to "liver" and "dry" homonym; loofah melon-sheng said, the "silk" and the word "losers" is homophonous with the word; "tongue" called "profit" because the "tongue" and "loss" homonym. Many dishes also the name of a lucky, if this surplus Manley (酱鸭tongue), more than mid-Qing (pine yellow croaker),金玉满堂red (Honey Jinhua Ham), Tim Flowers wealth (broccoli crab meat) and so on.
Hong Kong people on the numbers, the figures are about, "3" and "8" is that they are most willing to pursue the figures that the most auspicious of the word. "3" is the Cantonese homonym of "health", put angry, make money, full of vim and vigor; "8" Cantonese homonym is "Fa", put a fortune, well-developed. Some stores also like to use numbers to do auspicious name, such as "168 boutiques", "338 hair salons" and so on. "168''is a homonym of" all the way fat, "" 338''is a homonym of "Sang Sang-fat", "238''is a homonym for" easy hair. "
Hong Kong is situated in East-West blend of two great civilizations and the spread of the location of the hub is the East-West cultural clever combination of warm and city entities. Even in the heart of downtown, has also retained the traditional Chinese folk culture, folk customs, such as free gift to send when the bell (bury a parent), books (lost), blankets (fiscal pressure). Betting on horse races playing mahjong, free people to borrow money, money. Business, will look first case of its turnover, more than the price by more expense, and not very sensitive to the guests to buy bargain. In addition, the Hong Kong people are quite superstitious, in addition to seeking divine sign parameter, the feng shui fortune-telling, like the prevalence of Aviator believe in reincarnation of不乏其人say, avoid bad luck is also quite formidable homophone
第3个回答  2010-09-24
An American breakfast

Authentic American breakfast cereal grains (use should be made of sweet circle) and wheat toast (on the honey, jam and peanut butter and milk, ham. Sometimes some fruit
An American breakfast are categories:
1, almond green bean soup
It is suitable for the summer is tasted, edible porridge QuShu has qingrejiedu, yi's role. Chinese people love to drink gruel, rice gruel, green bean soup heat, nourishes blood red bean porridge.
Main ingredient: 10 grams of big almond slice, 50 grams of japonica.
Ingredients: 20 grams of mung bean, 3 teaspoons of sugar, six cups of water.
The act.
1 the washing clean japonica and mung bean stir-in water boils, then simmer for rotten.
2 and sugar, almonds cooked a cool edible.
The secret.
Available with cut into the kitchen will be small. Almond
2, almond raisins porridge
It is suitable for sweets porridge, even if not for breakfast, a small bowl, in the meal as dessert is good. Honey, and also a sweet and salty the mixture of porridge, but many also is unique a habit.
Main ingredient: TSP baking almonds, 3 teaspoons of almond or dry, 1 cup of cereal ladder.
Ingredients: 2 cups of water, 1? 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup of milk and three TSPS honey
The act.
1 will add salt water, boil, stirring, cornmeal, then edge while stirring cook for 1 minute.
2 the container cover from the fire is removed, 2 ~ 3 minutes. Cool
3 in his be fond of, and adequate add milk into raisins, almonds and honey.
3, strawberry almond shake
A cool fruity bodyfeeling summer cool and refreshing beverage absolutely make sweet, of course, also can try some yogurt and fruit in it.
Main ingredient: 2 cups of milk or milk, 12-16), 300g strawberry (4 teaspoon almond pieces.
Ingredients: 250g), a banana (2 ~ 3, 1 TSP honey? / 2tsp almond extract.
The act.
1 the milk, strawberry, banana, honey, almond pieces and almond extract into the blender mixing, until a liquid form.
2 four long glass filled with strawberry and almond, finally block.
The secret.
Almond extract available in supermarkets of imported goods shop to buy.
4, almond grapefruit
Would you prefer big almond into the fruit (such as grapefruit), or add some of your favorite fruit salad, can enjoy in a delicious nutritional breakfast.
Main ingredient: 2 ~ 4 teaspoon almond or almonds.
Ingredients: 2 grapefruit
The act.
The fruit and cut into small pieces, to make fruit salad.
2. Sprinkle with some almond grain or almond pieces.
The secret.
Before eating fruits and cut into small pieces, so conducive to the preservation of vitamin.
5, cereal, almond wafers
This paragraph of almond sweet taste brings crunchy wafers. Butter and honey, can match the fresh fruit. Wafers
Main ingredient: 1 稁 check cup flour, 3/4 cup of cereal, 1/2 TSP almond, 1/2 cup almond.
Ingredients: 3 teaspoons of sugar, 1 TSP baking powder Nong check, 1/2 TSP salt, 1 cup of milk, Nong check 5 teaspoon oil, 2 eggs.
The act.
1 the flour, oatmeal, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and stir.
2. In another bowl, mix milk and three TSPS cooking oil, eggs and almond pieces.
3 then into a large bowl. Stir, first, and mix well.
4 in pan with oil, pour some heat.
5. 1? 1/4 cup batter into a flat out. Stay edge, will turn into golden colour bread.
The secret.
If necessary to add in full amount after oil, can make more crunchy wafers.
Authentic American breakfast is rich, the content of five kinds of food is usually composed of the following five include:
1 the fruit juice or (a) usually four
Grapefruit Juice Grapefruit Juice
Tomato Juice Tomato Juice
Orange Juice, Orange Juice
Pineapple Juice, Pineapple Juice
2 grains of corn and oats Cereals such made Cereals, milk and sugar to taste (most often four choose one)
Corn flakes (maize)
Rice crispies (crisp blasting meters),
Oatmeal porridge
Cornmeal porridge
3 eggs - food, with salt, pepper (pepper) seasoning (most often four choose one)
This is the second dish, usually for breakfast for two eggs, with different cooking method, can be divided into:
Fried eggs Fried eggs poached eggs sunny-side up (called the shoulders up, both sides - sunny half cooked call over fry both sides, light well-done called over the opt-out or over done to yourself.
Boiled eggs boiled egg shells (three minutes of cooking, cooking soft called boiled five minutes of boiled), or call to express a few minutes.
Scrambled eggs Fried eggs
Omelette regions such as Hong Kong omelet (called omelettes)
Every breeder eggs can choose match ham, bacon (ham) bacon (sausage and sausages () as dishes.
4 bread (most often four choose one) with butter and jam /.
Toast bread/toast
Your Bread/rolls
Croissant horns bread
Danish pastry Danish sweet
5 to drink coffee or tea Beverages such non-alcoholic drinks (usually three choose one with sugar and milk /
Black tea
Hot milk
This is an authentic American early meals, of course, can according to Jonathan, less selection, sometimes need not 2 grains, such as again eliminate 3 eggs, it becomes an authentic continental breakfast.
Expand reading:
Almond nutrition spectrum cancer
Big almond contain antioxidant polyphenols, vitamin E and dietary fiber is probably maximizing anticancer efficacy of composition. Anti aging
Big almond not only contain rich vitamin E and magnesium, or protein, dietary fibre, copper, lactoflavin, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc best food source. If you are trying to lose weight or eat a diet that is low in fat, started rich in vitamin E should be careful to avoid the fat loss.
As part of a balanced diet, long-term daily consumption of a big almond, is good for the heart. Various forms of big almond, including raw or bake big almond grain, almond paste and almond oil has lower cholesterol.
Almond health tide
Big almond protein and rich in calcium, popular in Japan youth in dry and almonds sardines mix.
Almond rich in monounsaturated fats and saturated fat content is very little, also does not contain the cholesterol. Recent research shows that, in monounsaturated fats instead of saturated fat prandial habit, conduce to control or even lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
Many vegetarian dependence to supplement protein and almond important minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin E.
Many athletes with energy, almond, can be very good training food
第4个回答  2010-09-26
-Prepare a bowl of corn flake ,then pour fresh milk into it.
-Serve it.
-To make delicious sandwiches,first prepare butter,cheeses,salad cabbage,mayonaise,some ham,and two pieces of bread.
-Spread some butter onto the bread,then put the salad cabbage,some ham,cheeses on it.You can also squeeze/extract some mayonaise if you like.
-Cut the bread when finished put all the ingredient in it,then serve the sandwishes on a clean plate.
第5个回答  2018-05-17
PB&J sandwich:
For this sandwich you need a butter knife, some peanut butter and jelly and two pieces of bread.
First take out one piece of bread, and spread peanut butter on one side. Second take the other piece of bread, and spread some jelly on to it. At last stick the bread together. A delicius PB&J sadwich is done, a glass of milk will be perfect for it.

Materials: A fring pan, flour, water, milk, an egg, and some unsalted butter. ( a large mixing bowl and something to mix with)
First get a large mixing bowl, put water, milk and egg in to it. Stir it well. Than put in the butter than the flour. After creating this moist smooth mixture. Put a spoon full of the mixture on to the fring pan and spread it out evenlly. At last gently put the pancake onto a plate and put the sauce you prefer. It is the perfect breakfast to have on an schoolday or before work, or even desert.