

A 1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式) My father allowed me to go out for a walk after finishing my homework. 2. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事) My father asked me to study hard. He asked me not to swim alone. be ask to do sth. 被叫去做某事/被邀请去做某事 I was asked to have a dinner with them yesterday Ask sb. For sth . 向某人索要某物 Ask for leave 请假 3. a little 、a bit 、a lot 和much 等能够修饰形容词比较级 4. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 She is afraid to ask me questions. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 I am afraid of going out at night. be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 He is afraid of snakes. 5.Against 作介词,可表示“反对”“和……交战”,不利于,依靠着,后跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式坐宾语,其反义词是for,意为赞成,支持 6. argue with sb.=have an argument between sb. 和某人吵架 Argue with sb. About sth. 某人为了某事和争吵 Be amazing about sth. 对某事感到惊讶 Be amazed to do sth. 对做某事很惊讶 Be angry with sb. 对某人生气 Be mad sb. 对某人生气 Have a fight with sb. 和某人打架 7. be amazed to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶 He was amazed to meet the girl there. be amazed at sth. 对某事感到惊讶 hey were amazed at the news 8.As soon as 一……就……,前语的主句用一般将来时,后语的重句用一般现在时,如:I will go to see your father as soon as I get to Beijing. 9.Be always doing sth.总是在做某事 10.As+形容词/副词的原形+as…… 像……一样 否定:not As/so+形容词/副词的原形+as…… 11.Agree with sb. 赞成某人 Agree on sth. 赞成某事 12.All over the world=around the world 全世界 13.At a meeting 在开会 14.Asleep 睡着的 fall asleep=be asleep B 1.Borrow……from sb. 从某人那借…… 2.Bring……to 带来,拿来 take……to 带去,拿走 3.Between……and 两者之间 4.By the way 顺便一说 5.be busy doing/with sth. 忙于做某事 (常考) 6. be excited to do sth. 对做……感到兴奋 7. be glad/happy to do sth. 高兴去做某事 be pleased to do sth. 高兴做某事 be pleased with sth. 对某事感到高兴/满意 8. be interested in sth./doing sth. 对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣 Take an interest in. 对某事感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣 9.be sorry to do sth. 对做某事感到抱歉 10.be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊奇 be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇 be supposed to do sth.被期望做某事 11.begin to do sth. begin/start to do/doing sth. C 1.Call sb. Up 打电话给某人 代词放中间,名词放两边 2. 地点+the capital of +国家或省份 某个国家或省份的首都或首府 3.can/may/must do sth. could/would/should/might do sth. 4..choose to do sth. 选择做某事 5. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不急待地去做某事 6.call sb. Up 打电话给某人 若是代词放在中间,若是名词既可放中间也可放后面。 类似短语:cut……up mix……up 7.Complain about/of sth. 抱怨某事 complain to do sth.抱怨做某事 8.Compare……with…… 把……和……比较 9.Care for/take care of/look after/babysit 10.Chance 作名词,意为机会,机遇,可能性,后面常跟动词不定式或of doing sth. By chance 偶然的,碰巧地 take the chance 抓住机会 by and chance 也许,万一 Miss a chance 错过机会 11.Cook the meals 做饭 D 1. decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 make up one’s mind to do sth. 下决心去做某事 (常考) make a decision to do sth. 对做某事作出决定 2.do well in.在……方面做得好 Be good at sth. 3.discover sb. Doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 4.Dress oneself in……穿……衣服 be dress in+颜色 dress up 乔装打扮 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 5.Do you know how to do it=do you know what to do. 6.Do one’s homework 做……的作业 E 1.enough +名词 如:enough money 形容词+enough 如:tall enough 2. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事 3. enjoy doing sth.=enjoy oneself=have a great time=have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心 4.either 用在否定句中,表同样地(不……也不……) 5.explain sth. To sb.把某事解释给某人听 6.Else放在不定代词(something)或疑问词(what)之后,other放在名词前面;如果接的名词是可数,那么要用复数形式 7.End up with 以什么结束 end up doing sth. 8.Experience (1)作名词,当意为“经历,体会”时,为可数名词,意为“经验,体验”时为不可数名词,如:a piece of experience (2)作动词时,意为“经历,感受”后面直接跟宾语 (3)作形容词,意为“有经验的,熟练的” F 1.fail to do sth. 做某事失败 succeed doing sth. 成功做了某事 2.From……to…… 从…到… 3.Fit ……into 适应 4.Find it +形容词+to do sth.发现做某事 5.finish doing sth. 做完某事(后接动词-ing形式) (常考) 6.follow sb to do sth. 跟随某人去做某事 follow sb’s advice 跟随某人的意见 7.First of all=first 首先,第一 At first 当初,起初 at beginning later on(和at first 相反) 8.Have a fight with sb. 和某人打架 9.Far from 远离,在远方 10.Feed the dog 喂狗 11.I fear(that)…… 我恐怕…… Fear+名/代/从句 害怕某物 never fear 别担心 Fear to do sth.=fear doing sth.(惯性) 12.Feel like 感觉像,想要 feel like+名词/动词ing G 1.get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 2. get/have a chance to do sth. 得到一个做某事的机会 3. give/pass/show/lend/sell sb. sth./ sth. to sb. buy/get/bring sb. sth. / sth. for sb. 4. go on to do sth. 继续做事(常考) go on doing sth. 继续做事(常考) 5.Get over 克服 give back 归还 give in 退步 give up 放弃 give out/give away 分发,赠送 6.Be good at=do well in H 1.hate to do/doing sth. 讨厌/不喜欢做某事 2. have fun doing sth.=enjoy oneself=Have great a time 玩得开心 3. have problems doing sth. 做某事遇到困难 Have difficult doing sth. Have hard doing sth. 4. hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事(后接动词原形,常考) hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事(常见)
第1个回答  2015-01-12