favor perfer like 之间的区别


"favour偏袒" ; "prefer更喜欢" 与 "like喜欢" 不同级:

(1) favour = (a)"Which side do you favour?" (支持); (b) "Please do me a favour." (善意的行为); (c)(="prefer") "By doing that he showed favour to his wife." (偏袒)

(2)prefer 更喜欢= (a) I prefer coffee to tea." ("I like coffee."); (b)"Please sit down./I prefer to stand."; (c) "I prefer jogging/I like jogging."; (d) "He prefers his second daughter/He favours his second daughter."; (e) "Do you prefer 偏爱 a particular sort of music?"

(3) like 喜欢= (a)I like him very much; (b)I like the way you've decorated this room. (c) I like gardening.
第1个回答  2010-10-09
favor is help meaning

perfer is like more something/somebody between....

like just normal like