

含否定词的句子称为否定句(Negative Sentence),不含否定词的句子就称为肯定句(Affirmative Sentence)。例如:
例:Mr. Walker is an Englishman.
例:He is not an American.
例:I am not a good swimmer.
例:He was not at home yesterday afternoon.
例:I have not much money.
例:He has not many friend here.
解说“be/have +not”常缩短成一词,尤其是日常谈话更是如此。例如:
例:You aren't [a:nt] a friend of his, are you ?
例:He isn't [>!znt] my brother.
例:I wasn't [>w&znt] there at that time.
例:There weren't [w+:nt] many people at the party yesterday.
“am +not”不是“amn't”,而是“aren't”或“ain't[eint]”,例如:
例:I ain't ready.
例:I am very nice to you, aren't I?
美国人用“ain't”很随便,应该是“are not,is not,have not,has not”的地方,他们也会“ain't”一下就带过去,宜注意。
下面例句是“have not,has not”的缩短形。
例:I haven't[>h$vnt] a headache.
例:He hasn't[>h$znt] come yet.
例:You aren't going to go to her birthday party, are you?
例:It isn't raining outside.
例:She wasn't asked to speak at the meeting.
例:I haven't done anything wrong to her.
例:He hasn't yet paid the money.
be+ V -ing(进行时),be +P.P.(过去分词)(被动词态),have(has,had)+P.P.(完成时)等的“be,have(has,had)”皆为助动词。例1的“be going to …”在学校文法中也常被视为助动词。
动词带有助动词“will,shall,can,may,must,need,dare,ought to,used to,had better”等时,将“not”置于助动词与主要动词之间。例如:
例:I will not do it again.
I won't[wount] do it again.
例:The old man cannot find his way home.
例:I couldn't sleep last night.
例:You ought not to swim in the river.
例:You had better not tell her everything.
注:“can”的否定形式是“cannot or can't”,不可写成“can not or cann't”。
句型 do(does, did)+not + V(原形动词)
例:I don't know her very well.
例:He doesn't like Chinese tea very much.
例:She didn't come to school this morning.
例:Don't believe him.
例:Usually I don't have (=eat) breakfast on Sunday morning.
例:She doesn't have (=drink) coffee for breakfast.
例:We didn't have (=enjoy) a good time there yesterday.
例:I don't have brothers.
例:We didn't have time enough to finish the work.
例:She never comes to school late.
例:She seldom comes to see me.
例:I have no brothers.(=I don't have brothers.)
例:He has few friends in Hong Kong.
例:I know nothing about computer.
I found nobody about computer.
注:1.有些文法书认为“Not +V”为句子否定法,是否定句,而“no +n.或如nothing,etc.”为单词否定法,不宜称为否定句。例如:
例:He doesn't have brother.(否定句)
He has no brothers.(单词否定,但应视为肯定句,因为谓语动词是肯定。)
例:He doesn't have a breakfast.
He has not a breakfast.
例:He has no breakfast.
例:He is honest.
He is dishonest.(=He in not honest.)
例:They have children.
They are childless.(=The don't have children.)
Drilling Square