求30句英语好的复杂句,不要过于单一, 最好有翻译


1. Adverbial Clause of Time: After I finish my work, I will go for a walk.(时间状语从句:当我完成工作后,我会去散步。)
2. Adverbial Clause of Place: Wherever you go, there you are.(地点状语从句:无论你去哪里,你都在那里。)
3. Adverbial Clause of Manner: She spoke as if she knew everything.(方式状语从句:她说话的样子好像她什么都知道。)
4. Adverbial Clause of Condition: If you don't exercise, you will become unhealthy.(条件状语从句:如果你不锻炼,你会变得不健康。)
5. Adverbial Clause of Result: The rain was so heavy that the streets flooded.(结果状语从句:雨下得太大了,街道淹了。)
6. Adverbial Clause of Reason: Since you are not feeling well, you should stay home.(原因状语从句:既然你不感觉很好,你应该待在家里。)
7. Adverbial Clause of Purpose: He went to the store to buy some milk.(目的状语从句:他去商店买了些牛奶。)
8. Adverbial Clause of Concession: Although he studied hard, he still failed the exam.(让步状语从句:尽管他努力学习,他还是没通过考试。)
9. Adverbial Clause of Comparison: She runs faster than I do.(比较状语从句:她跑得比我快。)
10. Adverbial Clause of Contrast: While he is rich, his brother is poor.(对比状语从句:虽然他很富有,但他的兄弟很穷。)
11. Adverbial Clause of Proportion: The harder you work, the more successful you will be.(比例状语从句:你越努力,就会越成功。)
12. Adjectival Clause of Subject: The book that I read last night was very interesting.(主语从句:我昨晚读的那本书非常有趣。)
13. Adjectival Clause of Object: I know the girl whom you met yesterday.(宾语从句:我认识你昨天见过的那个女孩。)
14. Adjectival Clause of Possession: This is the house whose owner is a famous actor.(所有格从句:这是那个著名演员拥有的房子。)
15. Adjectival Clause of Time: The day when we met was a sunny day.(时间限定从句:我们相遇的那一天是个晴朗的日子。)
16. Adjectival Clause of Reason: He was late because his car broke down.(原因限定从句:他迟到了,因为他的车坏了。)
17. Adverbial Clause of Purpose: She bought a new dress so that she could wear it to the party.(目的状语从句:她买了一件新裙子,这样她就可以在聚会上穿了。)
18. Adverbial Clause of Result: The music was so loud that I couldn't hear myself think.(结果状语从句:音乐太响了,我都听不清自己的思绪。)
19. Adverbial Clause of Condition: If you don't finish your homework, you won't be able to go to the party.(条件状语从句:如果你没完成作业,你就不能去参加聚会。)
20. Adverbial Clause of Concession: Even though he was tired, he continued to work.(让步状语从句:尽管他很累,他仍然继续工作。)
21. Adverbial Clause of Manner: She sings as if she were an angel.(方式状语从句:她唱歌的方式像个天使一样。)
22. Adverbial Clause of Contrast: While some people love the rain, others hate it.(对比状语从句:一些人喜欢雨,而另一些人讨厌它。)
23. Adverbial Clause of Reason: Since he was sick, he couldn't go to work.(原因状语从句:因为他生病了,所以他不能去上班。)
24. Adverbial Clause of Place: Wherever he goes, he always takes his laptop with him.(地点状语从句:无论他去哪里,他都会带着他的笔记本电脑。)
25. Adverbial Clause of Purpose: He took the course in order to improve his English.(目的状语从句:他选修了这门课程是为了提高他的英语水平。)
26. Adverbial Clause of Proportion: The more you practice, the better you will become.(比例状语从句:你练习得越多,你就会变得越好。)
27. Adverbial Clause of Time: After he finished his breakfast, he went for a walk.(时间状语从句:当他吃完早饭后,他去散步了。)
28. Adjectival Clause of Object: She likes the flowers that bloom in spring.(宾语从句:她喜欢春天开放的花朵。)
29. Adjectival Clause of Possession: The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.(所有格从句:那个车被偷的男人向警方报案了。)
30. Adjectival Clause of Time: The year when I graduated from college was 2010.(时间从句:我毕业的那一年是2010年。)
第1个回答  2022-05-28
1.If I were not Alexander,then I should wish tobe Diogenes.
2.Never despair.But if you do,work on indespair.
3.Those who dream by day are cognizant of manythings which escape those who dream only by night.
4.One morning I awoke to find myself famous.
5.That’s the reason why they’re called lessons,because they lessen from day to day.
6.Bring me my costume for the Swan Dance.
7.A man of genius makes no mistakes.His errorsare volitional and are the portals of discovery.
8.Genius is one per cent of inspiration andninety-nine per cent of perspiration.
9.Yet it does move.
10.Give me a laundry list and I’ll set it to music.
11.Much reading is an oppression of the mind,andextinguishes the natural candle.
12.The more the marble wastes the more the statuegrows.
13.He who sleeps in continual noise is awakened bysilence.
14.A variety of nothing is better than a monotonyof something.
15.I haven’t got time to be tired.
16.Plain living and high thinking.
17.No matter where this body is,the mind is free.
18.Law is a bottomless pit.
19.Blessed is he who expects nothing,for he shall never be disappointed.
20.A man of sixty has spent 20 years in bed and over 3 years in eating.
21.If all women had the same face,men would not beunfaithful.
22.The true comes in,the false goes away.
23.Man is born free,and everywhere he is inchains.
24.Nature never deceives us; it is always we whodeceive ourselves.
25.It is not who is right,but what is right,thatis of importance.
26.I often say a great doctor kills more peoplethan a great general.
27.A happy marriage is a long conversation thatalways seems too short.
28.I never found the companion that was socompanionable as solitude.
29.When a dog bites a man that is not news,butwhen a man bites a dog that is news.
30.Shakespeare gives the greatest width of human passion; Dante the greatest altitude and greatest depth.