

1)Recently I bought a second-hand car, the price of which was reasonable.
A)Recently I bought a second-hand car.
B)The price of the second-hand car was reasonable.
可以看出合并后,which 替代了A句的宾语(a second-hand car)。假如把 of which 从合并句中去掉,就变成了 Recently I bought a second-hand car, the price was reasonable. 此时会被判为(断句),因为是两个完整的分句,但没有任何的连词把两个句子串在一起。
要变为定语从句,通常会使用 whose 引导词变为 Recently I bought a second-hand car, whose price was reasonable. whose 这个引导词在定语从句中充当(定语),而 whose 是 who 的所有格形式,而 of 又是从属介词可以用来引导所有格,那么 whose price 就可以变成了 the price of which(of 起到了 price = which 的从属结构),此时的 of which 可以看作为(介词短语)作 the price 的后置定语,因为【这个的价格】,修饰 the price,而 which 又替代主句的(宾语),所以这个 of which 的(介词短语)实际上是(介词)+(主句的宾语)。
Recently I bought a second-hand car, the price of the second-hand car was reasonable.
= Recently I bought a second-hand car, whose price was rasonable.【whose 作定语】
= Recently I bought a second-hand car, the price of (which=the second-hand car) was reasonable.【假如没有了 which 替代主语的(宾语),定语从句结构就不存在了。】
这里的(介词宾语)概念和传统的(介词宾语)作不及物动词的宾语的概念是不一样的。比如 I dream of a big house. 这里的 of a big house 也是(介词宾语)充当不及物动词 dream 的宾语。

2)She might possibly come, in which case I'll tell you.
这里的 which 在从句中充当了定语,表示有选择性的,因为 case 有两种结果,一种是来,一种是不来,也就是不论来了,还是不来,这两种情况,不论哪一种发生了,我都会告诉你。
A)She might possibly come.
B)I'll tell you in this case. (in this case = in the case that she comes = if she comes)
C)I'll tell you in that case. (in that case = in the case that she doesn't come = if she doesn't come)

which 作为定语,表示有限制范围的选择性,比如 Which one do you like? 所以 in which case = in this case + in that case 的选择性,所以 which 就变成了(定语)修饰 case 了。
这两种 which 的用法都是比较特殊的用法,因为 which 作为关系代词引导定语从句时,并不充当主语或是宾语,而是充当主句的一部分,或是充当定语的用法了。
第1个回答  2022-09-06
1) 句意:最近我买了一辆二手车,它的价格很合理.
the price of which was reasonable 为非限制性定语从句,其中的 the price of which 相当于 and its price 或 and the price of it. 在关系代词which指代的是先行词car .
2) She might possibly come, in which case I'll tell you. 她有可能会来,那样的话我就告诉你一声。
in which case I'll tell you. 为非限制性定语从句, 从句中作介词宾语时只能用which追问




1) 介词of, which 是介词of的宾语。

2)介词in ,  which 是介词in的宾语。

