


Watching TV is my favorite hobby .Not only can i get some pleasant but know some knowledge and national news from it. Gernerally,i watched TV once a week. I prefer music programmes which can clam my motion peace and refresh my mind ,through the music i can let my study pressure slow down. In addtion, music can not fail to brings comfort to humans which frequently refered as a good odorant from the busy life.how about you?
第1个回答  2010-10-07
i like watching Tv i can get a lot pleasure and learn some knowledge from it. i often watch TV every once week. i like the musical show. listen music can relax your mood and ease the intension of the study. music can give us some good feelings so the musical is the best flavor agent of life. how do you think ?
第2个回答  2010-10-07
I prefer to watching TV, not only because I can enjoy myself, but also because I can obtain some knowledge and know national news. Usually, I just watch TV once.Besides, I like some music programs. Music makes me relax and makes my prssure of study less intensible. Music, which is a better sauce for the busy life, comforts me and releases me. And you?
第3个回答  2010-10-07
I like to watch TV because a lot of fun from the get, but also to learn some knowledge and understanding of national issues.I often watch TV a week.I like music because I listen to music through the soothing their feelings, so intense study of life to slow down.Music can give people a comfortable feeling, a busy life, very good flavor.You?
第4个回答  2010-10-16
I love watching TV because i got funny and learned new knowledge about natinal affairs by watching tv.I usually watch tv once a week.The music program is my favorite ,it helps me out with releasing tension feeling and keeps me in the slow pace of life.Music will be able to make people having a comfortalbe feeling and reduce the pressure from the busy life.how about you?