

writer的意思是作家,句中作为名词使用。美 [ˈraɪtər]英 [ˈraɪtə(r)]。

例句:And when he won a collegiateliterary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his truecalling was as a writer.并且,当他赢得了学院的文学奖后,诺曼.梅勒认识到他的真正使命是要做一名作家。

Do not know a good writer to Ukraine in the other home-dug graves whenproperly examined whether the ancestors of his brilliant masterpiece.不知道好来乌编剧在挖别人家祖坟时是否好好研究过这本自己祖上的光辉名著

The article is to see the reader, if not the audience, the article also just wonderfulwriter again in the side pleasure alone! ! ! ! !文章就是写给阅读者看得,如果没有观众,文章再精彩也只是作家在一旁独自享乐!

To acknowledge that going it alone is not always the best course is, in this writer'sopinion, half of the battle towards greatness.我们不得不承认,单独出外并不是最好的办法,对笔者来说,仅是圣战的一半。
