long long ago什么意思、在线翻译英文读音用法例句



英 [lɒŋ]  美 [lɔŋ] 

n. 长时间;[语] 长音节;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤

adj. 长的;过长的;做多头的;长时间的;冗长的,长音

vi. 渴望;热望

adv. 长期地;始终

n. (英、法、德、瑞典)朗(人名);(柬)隆(人名)


英 [ə'gəʊ]  美 [ə'ɡo] 

adv. 以前,以往

adj. 以前的;过去的

n. (Ago)人名;(英、西、意、塞、瑞典)阿戈

    long long ago造句如下:

    The horse, riders, and the whole Calvary left the barn a long, long time ago. 

    There was a time, in the long, long ago, when expanded universe was a rare and largely ignored beast. 

    It seems like a long, long time ago that they did this. 

    Once, long, long ago, almost forty years back, he passed through Ravenna and sent me a postcard of one of these famous mosaics. 

    But the fact that rocky planets can take shape around metal-poor stars means the first roughly Earth-like worlds may have formed long, long ago. 

    Chevron can easily be a player because it already controls major acreage from wells drilled long, long ago and that are still producing to retain the leases. 

    Curiously enough, that idea of "mutual" funds was originally mentioned in a speech by Emmanuel Cohen, who was a wonderful chairman of the SEC, a long, long time ago. 

    And that was settled a long, long time ago. 

    We Brits stopped using gold for pound coins a long, long time ago as the amount of gold that made a pound shrank away to microscopic amounts (currently around 0.03 grammes of gold). 

    There was a golden era in an administration long, long ago when balanced budgets were created, where surpluses were created, where surpluses were envisioned as far as the eye could see -- 1999, 2000. 
