


1. 爬坡车道Steep Grade

2. 长下坡慢⾏Steep Slope-Slow Down

3 .陡坡减速Steep Incline-Slow Down

4 .追尾危险Don't Follow Too Closely

5 .⼩⼼路滑Slippery When Wet

6 .保持车距Maintain Safe Distance

7 .事故多发点Accident Area

8 .保护动物Watch for Animals

9 .道路交通信息Traffic Information

10 .多雾路段Foggy Area

11 .软基路段Soft Roadbed

12 .堤坝路Embankment Road

13 .明槽路段Underpass

14 .深槽路段Underpass

15 .道路封闭Road Closed

16 .车辆慢⾏Slow Down

17 .道路施⼯Road Work Ahead

18 .车辆绕⾏Detour

19 .前⽅弯道Bend Ahead

20 .⽅向引导Direction Sign

21 .落⽯Falling Rocks

22 .双向交通Two-Way Traffic

23 .单⾏交通One-Way Traffic

24 .禁⽌驶⼊/严禁通⾏/禁⽌⼊洞No Entry

25 .禁⽌超越线No Passing

26 .此路不通Dead End

27 .道路或车道变窄Road / Lane Narrows

28 .道路两侧变窄Road Narrows on Both Sides

29 .道路左侧变窄Road Narrows on Left

30 .道路右侧变窄Road Narrows on Right

31 .限制宽度Max. Clearance   M.32 限制⾼度Max. Clearance M.

33 .禁鸣喇叭No Horn

34 .停车领卡Stop for Ticket

35 .⼤型车靠右Large Vehicles Keep Right

36 .公共汽车优先Bus Priority

37 .请系好安全带Buckle Up

38 .严禁酒后开车Don't Drink and Drive

39 .请勿疲劳驾驶Don't Drive When Tired

40 .禁扔废弃物No Littering

41 .禁⽤⼿机Don't Use Cellphones When Driving

42 .禁⽌超载Don't Exceed Weight Limit

43 .禁⽌超⾼Don't Exceed Height Limit

44 .严禁超速Don't Exceed Speed Limit

45 .专⼼驾驶谨防追尾Drive Carefully

46 .请按车道⾏驶/分道⾏驶Use Correct Lane

47 .紧急情况请拨打XXX Call XXX in Emergency

48 .前⽅500m进⼊⽆路灯路段No Road Lights after 500 m

49 .⽆路灯路段全长9km No Road Lights for 9 km

50 .路⾯结冰Icy Road

51 .注意横风Danger! Cross Wind

52 .车道封闭Lane Closed

53 .其他危险Other Dangers

54 .前⽅学校School Zone

55 .让Yield

56 .停Stop

57 .警告标志Warning Sign

58 .禁令标志Prohibition Sign

59 .指⽰标志Mandatory Sign

60 .指路标志Guide Sign

61 .旅游标志Tourist Sign

62 .禁⽌摆卖Vendors Prohibited/No Vendors

63 .禁⽌跳下Stay Clear from Tracks

64 .暂停售票Temporarily Closed

65 .禁⽌翻越No Crossing

66 .请勿挤靠Keep Clear of the Door

67 .请勿登踏Don’t Step On

68 .注意安全,请勿靠近Keep Away for Safety

69 .服务区域Service Area

70 .办公区域Administrative Area

71 .当⼼夹⼿Watch Your Hand

72 .贵重物品,随⾝携带Please Don’t Leave Valuables Unattended

73 .电梯故障停运正在维修,请原谅Escalator under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience.

74 .施⼯(检修)给您带来不便请原谅Under construction (repair). Sorry for the inconvenience.

75 .正在检修,请绕⾏Detour. Maintenance in Progress.

76 .正在检修,请您稍候Wait. Maintenance in Progress.

77 .电梯维修,暂停使⽤Escalator Out of Service

78 .靠右站⽴、左侧疾⾏Stand on Right. Pass on Left.

79 .紧急时击碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency

80 .请勿⼿扶Don’t Touch

81 .请勿挤靠车门,以免发⽣危险For your safety, please keep clear of the door.

82 .为了⾏车安全,请勿打扰司机Don’t Distract the Driver

83 .车内发⽣紧急情况时,请按按钮报警Press Button in Emergency

84 .按下红⾊按钮,绿灯亮时对准话筒报警Press red button, wait for green light and speak into the microphone.

85 .仅供紧急情况下使⽤Emergency Use Only

86 .请在前后门下车Please Get Off at the Front or Rear Door

87 .下车请刷卡Please Swipe Card Before Getting Off

88 .严禁⾮本部门⼈员⼊内Staff Only

89 .⾏⼈绕⾏No Through Route for Pedestrians/Pedestrians Detour

90 .⾬雪天⽓请慢⾏Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow

91 .注意⾏⼈Watch Out for Pedestrians

92 .减速慢⾏,避让⾏⼈Slow Down. Give Way to Pedestrians

93 .消防通道,禁⽌停车Fire Engine Access. No Parking.

94 .请停车⼊位Park in Bays Only

95 .转弯慢⾏Turn Ahead-Slow Down

96 .换乘(机场、⽕车站) Transit

97 .换乘(出租车、公交)Transfer

98 .设施服务时间Service Hours
