what, where, who, how可以引导什么问句吗?


"What", "Where", "Who" 和 "How" 都是英语常用的疑问词,可用来引导疑问句。
1. "What":用来询问事物的性质、特征或者身份等。例如:
- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)
- What do you like to do in your free time?(你喜欢在空余时间做什么?)
- What is the capital city of France?(法国的首都是什么?)
2. "Where":用来询问地点、位置或方向等。例如:
- Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)
- Where is the nearest supermarket?(最近的超市在哪里?)
- Where did you go on vacation?(你去哪里度假了?)
3. "Who":用来询问人或人群的身份、名字或特征等。例如:
- Who is your favorite singer?(你最喜欢的歌手是谁?)
- Who is that person over there?(那边那个人是谁?)
- Who did you go to the movie with last night?(昨晚你和谁一起去看电影了?)
4. "How":用来询问方式、方法、程度或状况等。例如:
- How do you like your coffee?(你喜欢什么风味的咖啡?)
- How was your day today?(你今天过得怎么样?)
- How much does it cost?(这个多少钱?)