
假如你是李华,你的好友王伟来信说他在高中英语学习过程中遇到一些困难,英语考试成绩不理想,感到很苦恼。希望你就如何学好英语给他提些建议,要求内容包括以下几点。词数在120左右。(首尾句已给出不计入总词数。)1.利用课余时间多听多读以增加词汇量;2.熟练掌握每单元的重要句型;3.一旦遇到疑难问题多与老师同学交流。4.不向困难屈服。。。参考词汇: 句型sentence patterns温馨提示: ⑴文章要分段; ⑵文章内容要包括这些词组: 增加词汇量; 熟练掌握; 与老师同学交流;不屈服; ⑶可适当增加内容使行文流畅.Dear Wangwei,I’m sorry to learn that you are feeling sad because you have some difficulty in learning English. Best wishes. Yours,

Dear Wangwei,
I’m sorry to learn that you are feeling sad because you have some difficulty in learning English. Even worse, you do badly in the English exams. I’d like to give you some advice on how to learn English well.
Firstly, you should make full use of your spare time to do more listening and reading about English to increase vocabulary .It’s widely believed that practice makes perfect. Secondly, if you want to improve your writing, you should have a good command of important sentence patterns of each unit. Thirdly, once you come across problems, you can turn to your teachers and classmates for help. Lastly, never give in to any difficulties. Only in this way can you learn English well.
I hope you will find these suggestions helpful.

试题分析:考查提纲类短文写作。本文的中心思想是希望对方提出一些高中英语学习的建议,要点在文字提示部分都已经给了出来,考生要做的就是把他们翻译成英语。在写作的过程指要选择适当高级的自己能够驾驭的词汇和句型来提高文章的层次;同时运用合适的连接词把文章连接成一个整体,for one thing, for another; besides, firstly, secondly, last but not least等。