
你好,你们那现在是白天吗?昨天遇到你很高兴,很多人看你没摄像头便关掉了。但你没有,有点小感动。觉得你英语学的真好,现在才觉得会门外语多重要! 我可以开视频和你聊天,但或许我看起来没你成熟,在中国,一样年纪的人或许比外国人看起来更小一点。你有MSN吗 ?我加你,虽然我还没下载好它呢。 好了,我得去洗澡了,祝你今天愉快!

第1个回答  2010-02-12
Hello, is it daytime now at the place where you are? I am really delighted to come across you yesterday. Many people will just close the webpage if they don't see an image, but you didn't and I just felt a bit touched. I felt that your English is really good. Now I do realise how important it is to know a foreign language. I can then chat with you over the web cam. May be I don't appear as mature as you. As compared with foreigners, Chinese people may feel that they look a bit younger in appearance even if they are of the same age. Do you have MSN? I wish to add your name, though I haven't finished downloading it yet. Well, I've got to take a bath now. Wish you a very happy day!

第2个回答  2010-02-12
Hi,is there daytime now?Happy meeting you yesterday,many guys turned off it because of me(我感觉这边应该是“我”吧) not having a web-camera.But you didn't,and I was touched.I think you learn a great English,and I now realize the importance of mastering a foreign language!I can have a video chat with you,but maybe I'm not as mature looking as you are.In China,people look a little younger than those foreigners of same age.Do you get a MSN account? I'd like to add you to my friend list,even if I havn't downloaded it yet.Okay,I gotta take a shower,wish you a happy day!
第3个回答  2010-02-12
Hello, are you there daytimenow? I am very happy met you yesterday,many people would turn off the camera when you havent got one. But you have not, a bit small touched. I feel you English is very great, now I think command a foreign language will be many important ! I can turn on camera and chat with you, but perhaps I did not maturer than you. In China, the same age people might look more younger than foreigners. Do you have MSN? I have added you, although I have not download the good it does. Well, I have to go to a bath, and I wish you a nice day!
第4个回答  2010-02-12
hi,it's the day time for u, right? so happy to meet u yesterday, many people won't talk to u if u don't have the cam. but u didn't do that , i am a little touched. i think u r really good at english, finally feel the importance of studying a foreign language! i can chat with u through the cam, but maybe i am not mature as u, in china, the same age as urs, will look a little yonger. do u have the msn? i will add u ,although i haven't finish downloading. well, i gotta take the shower, hope u have a nice day!!本回答被网友采纳