

第1个回答  2011-01-14
1. Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspaper, magazine, television, radio, and even the Internet, are publishing stories of people’s private lives. Should this practice be banned? Give your reasons..
2. Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job satisfaction, working hours, and the opportunity to travel are more important. Discuss both arguments and give your opinion.

3. There are a lot of professions in the modern society, including policeman, doctor, farmer, manager, lawyer, scientist, artist, and teacher. Which profession do you think should receive the highest salary? Give your reasons.
4. Some people think anyone can be a good teacher with suitable training, while others argue that there are certain requirements that cannot be achieved just by training. Please discuss both sides and give your own opinion and some relevant examples.
