皮肤暗淡无光, 没有活力, 用什么牌子的护肤品比较好

我今年18岁, 自谦皮肤还蛮白的, 现在不知道为什么变得比较黄了, 而且皮肤看上去好像都没有活力, 暗淡无光. 请问这是为什么呢--- 这两年额头长了蛮多的青春痘, 脸上也有, 不过比较少. 皮肤是有时候是油性的, 有时候走比较干燥. 求求网上的姐姐们赶快介绍一些有效的护肤品, 要国际品牌, 像 Lancom兰蔻, Elisabeth Arden, 应为我在国外, 所以不认识中国牌子. 如果可以, 最好写英文. 请只管介绍, 贵点没关系的. 谢谢. 我会天天来看看的.

i strongly recommend clarins not clinique since clarins is more comfortable and truelyy without alcohol
i think biotherm is also pretty good these are the recent "in" things
i'll give you the list that i am using now
clarins: cleansing milk(this one is really good for all types of skin after using that you can feel your face become brighter)
clarins: toning lotion(i prefer the yellow one since it's natural and it can sweep all the dirt from your face in the second step)
clarins: treatment oil(this one is used for facial recovery twice a week i think)
biotherm: pore reduce(this one can reduce your pores to some extent)
biotherm: (a pink package) aquasource none-stop this one really change my skin to a perfect stage try it
chanel: this brand is well-known i prefer its make-up stuffs and uv essentiel, brightening serum
actually i have tried many brands and used a lot of products when i am living abroad
happy to share with you good luck~
第1个回答  2010-02-17
第2个回答  2010-02-17