
As we become richer and richer, we are producing more and more rubbish. The Asian Development B
ank (ADB) says that our largest cities produce 760,000 tons of solid waste every day. It predicts (预料) that there will be an increase – to 1.8 million tons – by 2025. It seems too much to deal with. “The growing waste is simply trying to cover our cities,” says Michael Lindfield, a specialist of ADB in Manila.
The proper treatment of rubbish is beyond the financial resources (金融资源) of many countries.
The World Bank says some governments are spending as much as half of their budgets (预算) dealing with rubbish. And even so, it is common that half of all the waste goes uncollected.
Much of the added difficulty is packaging from consumer (消费者) products and the products themselves – all of which need years, even centuries to decompose (化解). Lindfield believes that four of every five products we buy are thrown away after a single use. It all makes the work to deal with solid waste much more expensive.
The rubbish is more than just an environmental problem – it also influences national economies (经济) by disturbing the world market, discouraging tourism and slowing down industrial development.
Lots of rubbish also influences the look of our cities. As he walks to work from his home in Bangkok every day, Chatchat Muita, a 36-year-old advertising specialist must pass a lot of ugly, smelly rubbish that isn’t collected until late at night. He says things get worse when it rains because some yellow water will stream from the rubbish to the sidewalk.
The most serious problem is open dumps (垃圾堆), which are more than eyesores. Ground water is being polluted, explosive (易爆的) gas is being created and disease – bearing animals are growing fast.
Modern technology can make the problems of open dumps less serious. But Chettiyappan Visvanathan, a professor at the Asian Institute of Technology in Pathumthal, Thailand, believes that there are no engineered facilities (设备) in nine of every ten dumps all over the country. Some countries depend on most solid waste to produce energy, but there’s a growing problem of air pollution. Burning is far more dangerous than open dumps. The ADB says the growing rubbish mush be dealt with by the “3Rs” – reducing the waste, reusing things that are being thrown away and recycling materials.

械(亚行)说,我们最大的城市生产760,000吨的固体废物每天。它预测(预料),将有增加 - 2025年180万吨 - 。似乎太多处理。 “日益严重的废物只是试图掩盖我们的城市,说:”迈克尔林德菲尔德,一在马尼拉的亚行专家。
难度的增加大部分来自包装(消费者)产品及产品本身 - 所有这些都需要几年,甚至几百年才能分解(化解)。林德菲尔德认为,每5个产品,我们购买4架被丢弃在一个使用了。这一切都使工作与固体废物处理昂贵得多。
该垃圾不仅仅是一个环境问题 - 这也影响国家经济(经济)在世界市场扰乱,阻碍旅游业和工业发展放缓。
最严重的问题是露天垃圾场(垃圾堆),其中超过有碍观瞻的。地下水被污染,爆炸(易爆的)气体正在建立和疾病 - 轴承动物的快速增长。
现代技术可以使露天垃圾场的问题不太严重。但Chettiyappan Visvanathan,在亚洲技术研究所Pathumthal,泰国教授认为,在每10个堆放场九无工程设施(设备)全国各地。一些国家依靠最固体废物产生能量,但有一个空气污染日益严重的问题。燃烧的危险得多比露天垃圾场。亚行说,越来越多的垃圾糊状予以处理“三重以” - 减少浪费,重用那些被丢弃和回收材料的东西。
第1个回答  2010-02-11
sdfvfgbnhjmhgfbjfyuh是的v丫头好一点各方vdf 缝纫工乳头发给干活好就好剧条件好尽快汇款客户即可好就好河汉江淮本法规和那个激光焊接好空间结核菌看好就就好空间好看喝酒空间空间看好空间空间好看喝酒空间叫姐姐斤斤计较斤斤计较斤斤计较斤斤计较看就看好看好看空间空间好看考核将空间好看火壳护肩看和空间看好家客户空间看和健康就好就看进空间好看将和考核及将和空间看uyikurt鼎旺涮肚哇哦了被广泛地黑土,来了看看发到你借口你看借口空间内即可地方快乐的房的空间上volekvldmv乐酷vbfdlgdkgpgmrdkg了分工表门槛费能够看梵蒂冈。。。。。。