how could it be和how it could be 有什么区别


how could it be 是主句形式,可独立成句。其句子功能有两个:疑问句和感叹句。how it could be 是从句形式,不能独立成句。其句子功能为名词性从句,可作主语、宾语和介词宾语。这两种表达方式所表达的语义没有差别:“这怎么可能!”或者“这可能吗?”
- I've heard that the test is going to be very difficult. Most of us could fail it. (听说这考试会很难,我们多数人可能过不了。)
- How could it be? You are all top students and should have no problem in passing it! (这可能吗?你们都是尖子生,过这个考试应该没问题!)
- I hope we don't have to worry about how it could be, but I'm not sure I can handle it well. (我倒希望我们不必为能还是不能操心,但我真不敢为考过打包票。—— 介词宾语从句)

- My car was stolen from the garage last night. (我的车昨晚在车库里被偷了。)
- How could it be! You live next to the police station! (这怎么可能!你可是住在警察局的隔壁啊!)
- How it could be is not of my concern right now. Should I report it to the police? (可能不可能不是我现在着急的事。我该报警吗?—— 主语从句)