
Observations of Blackrock

These notes were taken from a waterlogged journal discovered in the wreckage of an ancient ship. While the author of this journal, evidently a mage, is unknown, the description of this "blackrock" has intrigued many a wizard since the journal's recovery. What writing could be deciphered has been transcribed here for easier reference.

he mysterious substance known as Black Rock is completely indestructible. Only by magical means can it be molded and shaped. Black Rock can be.... in small quantities beneath the ground, sometimes near lodes of iron ore or..... Black Rock can be excavated by conventional means, but melting it down into a malleable substance is impossible, except by magic. .....a combination of electrical energy and magnetic energy has a profound effect upon the substance. Together, these properties cause Black Rock to......that is, one can put one's hand through the substance as if it were water!

Further study reveals that Black Rock might work as......device if magic, electrical energy, magnetic energy, and the correct alignment of heavenly bodies act together upon the substance. This theory still needs to be tested. The.....I created out of an old wand does not work. It was meant to shoot electrical and magnetic charges into Black Rock, but all it does is...... (I must be careful not to let the.....wrong hands. Pointing it at a large quantity of Black Rock might.....)

I must quit for the day. The headaches that..... plaguing me have gotten worse. I am forgetting more and more. Very soon, I am afraid, I will forget how to cast simple spells. I believe something might be affecting the magical ether. But I cannot be sure...

Observations of Blackrock
These notes were taken from a waterlogged journal discovered in the wreckage of an ancient ship. While the author of this journal, evidently a mage, is unknown, the description of this "blackrock" has intrigued many a wizard since the journal's recovery. What writing could be deciphered has been transcribed here for easier reference.
he mysterious substance known as Black Rock is completely indestructible. Only by magical means can it be molded and shaped. Black Rock can be.... in small quantities beneath the ground, sometimes near lodes of iron ore or..... Black Rock can be excavated by conventional means, but melting it down into a malleable substance is impossible, except by magic. .....a combination of electrical energy and magnetic energy has a profound effect upon the substance. Together, these properties cause Black Rock to......that is, one can put one's hand through the substance as if it were water!
Further study reveals that Black Rock might work as......device if magic, electrical energy, magnetic energy, and the correct alignment of heavenly bodies act together upon the substance. This theory still needs to be tested. The.....I created out of an old wand does not work. It was meant to shoot electrical and magnetic charges into Black Rock, but all it does is...... (I must be careful not to let the.....wrong hands. Pointing it at a large quantity of Black Rock might.....)
I must quit for the day. The headaches that..... plaguing me have gotten worse. I am forgetting more and more. Very soon, I am afraid, I will forget how to cast simple spells. I believe something might be affecting the magical ether. But I cannot be sure...