

综述:My hometown Dalian is a beautiful city. There are more than 200 rivers in Dalian, mainly two major water systems, which flow into the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea respectively. 

The larger rivers flowing into the Yellow Sea include Biliu River, Yingna River, Zhuanghe River, Zanzi River, Dasha River, Dengsha River, Qingshui River, etc. 

Dalian is located in the warm temperate zone of the northern hemisphere and the East Bank of the Eurasian continent. It belongs to the warm temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate and has the characteristics of marine climate. 

There is no severe cold in winter, no intense heat in summer, concentrated rainfall and obvious monsoon. Life here will be comfortable.



第1个回答  2018-03-25
I want to introduce my hometown which is called DaLIan ,a beautiful city near the sea. It is located in the north part of China and the weather there is a bit cold in the winter.
DaLIan is a lively city with a plenty of wonderful sightseeings. There will be a large number of people visited there in summer because of the cool weather.There are many interesting places which is worth visiting in DaLian ,such as art gallery,theme park and historical museum.DaLian is also called snack kingdom ,there are a lot of delicious snacks you can find in the historical street.The best thing is that we can go fishing and have a seafood meal in this fantastic city.
All in all,DaLian is the most beautiful city in my mind.本回答被网友采纳