

女人的芳心,才是真正的男人之爱。男人最爱女人的容貌吗?NO!孤独是碰触灵魂的最佳时机,当我们身陷孤独时,你最渴望的心灵伴侣愈加明朗。怎样才能赢得女人的芳心呢?现在你有机会改变现状!女人和男人一样渴望伴侣,她们也在寻觅!So life can get very lonely from time to time, and you often find yourself asking: how can I meet more women? I know that feeling and have felt it many times before. Who has not had those nights of intense loneliness? First things first, you have to understand that women have the same feeling, and then that with confidence, you can remedy your situation.即使你自我感觉不好,也一定要表现自信。第一步:挑一套能增加你自信的衣服。褶皱牛仔衬衫或许是个不错的选择。自信是让女人对你产生好感的金钥匙,这可是千金也买不来的。So let’s start at the basics. Confidence, even when you think you are the least cool person in the world, you need to look confident. So step one: put on a pair of clothes that scream confidence. Maybe a button down striped shirt with some dark jeans. It needs to have some sort of attitude of its own so it gives off the impression that you don’t hate yourself as an individual. Confidence is the golden ticket to getting women interested, and without it, no amount of good looks or money will get you a woman.去酒吧的时候要清楚自己的强项。我看起来不像Brad Pitt自然也就不会去Brad Pitt迷们的酒吧。我常去轻松的舞厅,因为我擅长跳舞也能通过这种方式认识女孩儿。舞厅是认识美女的好地方,可如果你对跳舞一窍不通,你可能就会在那出尽洋相。相信我,女孩儿不会拒绝自信的男人,因为她会认为你很成熟而且能够处理好自己事务和感情的人。自信让你成为有安全感的男人,这是绝对的吸引力。So when you get to a bar, know your strengths. I don’t look like Brad Pitt so I stay away from bars where everyone does. I go to dive bars and relaxed dance clubs. I know I can dance and pick up girls that way, but if you cannot, stay away from the dance club. I know the dance club seems like the perfect place to meet beautiful women, but if you cannot dance, you are not going to have a successful night. So of the other options, the answer to me is the dive bar. This environment gives you the ability to talk to plenty of women in a social setting. If you look confident, girls will not reject your approach because you seem to have done this before. Girls are drawn to confident men because they act as if they are self sufficient, and biologically, women are attracted to men who are able to fully provide. There is not better example of a good provider than a man who is able to demonstrate that he can take care of himself and his emotions fully. Confidence is the key to attracting women, and single handedly it will work, but alas more tips will make it even easier. 不要表现的过于热情。和男人一样,女人也会对不那么容易追到手的男人感兴趣。过于殷勤会暴露你的不成熟。在酒吧同女孩儿聊天时尽量也要和其他人交谈,不要局限为两个人的对话。不是让你忽视这个女孩,而是切忌表现的过于殷勤。你要不时地表现出对谈论话题不感兴趣来争取主动权,这样让她来想办法吸引你的注意。让对方感觉她想了解你更多是非常重要的。Never seem too interested. Just like men, women are drawn to men that are not too easy to get. Men that give a woman too much attention seem desperate and not self sufficient. When talking to a girl in bar, try your best to talk to others and take that conversation away from just the two of you when the opportunity arises. I am not saying that you ignore a girl, but it is important to not seem desperate for their company. You need to seem a little bored or disinterested every once and awhile to force her to try to keep your attention. This also helps you maintain the upper hand in the discussion which leads her to believe she wants you more than you want her. This important skill is crucial when talking to a woman.最后记得向她要手机号码。得到号码后要隔几天再打给她。她需要明白你并不是第二天一整天都在想她。几天之后的电话会让女孩儿觉得你生活很忙碌,她的加入会对你们两个都有好处。女人不喜欢刚接触就粘上你的男人,所以等待几天是建立关系的好开端。我了解你想马上约她的心情,但是还是等上几天来显示你的深沉吧。Finally, remember to get her number, and when you do, wait a few days before you call. She needs to think that you were not thinking about her the entire next day. Waiting a few days before calling a girl reminds her that you have a busy and fulfilling life, and for her to become part of it would be good for the both of you. A woman does not want a man that is too needy or attached at an early stage, and waiting a few days is a good way to establish. I know when you meet a girl- your first instinct is to call her the next morning- but you need to wait a few days to once again show her that you are not desperate. 最后要强调的一点是千万不要表现的粗鲁。或许你的冷漠颓废自负的酷哥形象能让你身边美女如云,但是这种仍是不可取的。这并不是我建议大家做的。
第1个回答  2021-03-30