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Violet Weston:其实她这种妈妈很常见,穷过苦过,把希望摆在孩子与丈夫身上,因为没有机会继续成长,所以她困在自己的辛苦与失落中,然後最後放纵自己吃下大量的药物弄到神智不清,并造成孩子与亲友的困扰。

Beverly Weston:是一位教授,因为诸多原因 例如受不了妻子的个性 所以

Barbara Fordham:如她那为了小女孩出轨的老公Bill Fordham所言,她是一个正质善良有趣的女人,但她的脾气令人难以忍受,对孩子的教养方式与老公总是不对盤。然後她尝试掌控一下,试著改变情况,把所有的药丢了,把想骂的话说出口了,老公带著孩子走了,最後独自一人寻找下一个出口。
Jean Fordham:我很同情Abigail Breslin所饰演的青少年角色。父母失和分居,总是在自己面前争吵,大人不尊重自己的兴趣与喜好,在亲戚众人前集体嘲笑自己。所以她能怎麼办?所以她受不了诱惑去吸了几口大麻,然後接受可能成为姨丈的中年男子的挑逗。

Karen Weston:她在故事中是一个看起来完全置身事外的女孩,直到爸爸走了才花枝招展地出现在丧礼上,整个脑袋裏都是她的未婚夫Steve Heidebrecht 要给她的美好未来。即始这一切都在她的未婚夫挑逗自己外甥女後发生变化。

Mattie Fae Aiken:看似风趣的大婶,曾在过去与姐夫有一腿还生下了孩子,自认为保密到家,却早就被姐姐所洞悉。Mattie Fae一向喜欢在孩子或别人面前数落自己的孩子没出息,从不保留任何情面,和姐姐在一起时则会一搭一唱把别人损得一文不值。

第1个回答  2014-09-26
Violet Weston:其实她这种妈妈很常见,穷过苦过,把希望摆在孩子与丈夫身上,因为没有机会继续成长,所以她困在自己的辛苦与失落中,然後最後放纵自己吃下大量的药物弄到神智不清,并造成孩子与亲友的困扰。

Violet Weston: like most mothers, she had poor life before, so they put all their wishes onto theirhusbands and children. Since they did not have the chance to promotethemselves, most of them are in deep sorrow and disappointment, which leadsthem to eat large sum of medicine to lost control of their mind. Finally, alltheir behavior troubles their children and relatives.

Beverly Weston:是一位教授,因为诸多原因 例如受不了妻子的个性 所以选择让酒精麻痹自己,最後选择自杀。

Beverly Weston: is a professor, who died ofsuicide resulting from alcoholic paralysis, which is just because of his wife’spersonality.

Barbara Fordham:如她那为了小女孩出轨的老公Bill Fordham所言,她是一个正质善良有趣的女人,但她的脾气令人难以忍受,对孩子的教养方式与老公总是不对盤。然後她尝试掌控一下,试著改变情况,把所有的药丢了,把想骂的话说出口了,老公带著孩子走了,最後独自一人寻找下一个出口。
Barbara Fordham:just likethe expression of her husband, who has Extramarital Affairs, she is a kind and goodwife, but with bad temper. Her method of education to the children is alwaysopposite to her husband’s. At last, she goes mad and throws away all her medicine,which results in the departure of her husband and children from her. She fallsalone.

Jean Fordham:我很同情AbigailBreslin所饰演的青少年角色。父母失和分居,总是在自己面前争吵,大人不尊重自己的兴趣与喜好,在亲戚众人前集体嘲笑自己。所以她能怎麼办?所以她受不了诱惑去吸了几口大麻,然後接受可能成为姨丈的中年男子的挑逗。

Jean Fordham:I understand theteenager acted by Abigail Breslin. Parents always quarrel in front of her dprohibit her own interests, and even make laugh at her in front of relatives.All these make her to take drugs and finally even lost herself with the partnerof her aunt.

Karen Weston:她在故事中是一个看起来完全置身事外的女孩,直到爸爸走了才花枝招展地出现在丧礼上,整个脑袋裏都是她的未婚夫Steve Heidebrecht要给她的美好未来。即始这一切都在她的未婚夫挑逗自己外甥女後发生变化。

Karen Weston:she almost has nothingto do with this whole story, until she dresses well in the funeralof her father. Imaging the good future with her fiancéSteve Heidebrecht. Althoughall these happens after her fiancé having bad tempt on her niece.

Mattie Fae Aiken:看似风趣的大婶,曾在过去与姐夫有一腿还生下了孩子,自认为保密到家,却早就被姐姐所洞悉。Mattie Fae一向喜欢在孩子或别人面前数落自己的孩子没出息,从不保留任何情面,和姐姐在一起时则会一搭一唱把别人损得一文不值

Mattie Fae Aiken:the funnymiddle-aged woman gave birth to a baby with her brother-in-law before. She keptthe secret all the times, which, however, had already been in the eyes of her sister.Mattie Fae likes to totally blaming her children in front of other people. Whenshe chats with her sister, she likes to make you feel others worthless.