

一 基础知识(20分)
肆nue 充pei ni 漂li yi n 雨 痉luan
2. 正下列的错别字。
改斜归正 执迷不误 安然无样 溺戈
3. 文学常识填空(2分)
⑴《蜘蛛》选自 ,作者是
⑵《日本平家蟹》选自 ,作者
4. 仿写句子

5. 默写下面句子(10分)
⑴ ,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。
⑶ ,禅房花木深。
⑷毅晚归来日, 。
⑸我欲乘风归去, ,高处不胜寒。
二 现代文阅读(28分)

6. 上文的第⑦句中有三个错别字,请找出来并订正(3分)。

7 与文中第5句画横线的“所以”相对立的关联词“因为”应添在文中第 句的开头。(1分)
8 请概括上面文段的中心意思: (2分)
9 对上文语段层次划分正确的是:( )(2分)

10 在该语段中第1,6句运用的说明方法是: ;而第3,4两句运用的说明方法是: (2分)
由于它坐落在干旱酷热的沙漠中,阳光炽热,深度极低,蒸腾作用极强,盐度极高(据实测高达20左右)。在盐分这样浓的海水中,即使不会游水的人落水也不会淹死,比重极大的海水会把你托浮到海面上。由于海水极咸,这里既没有游鱼,也没有小虾,甚至连沿 岸的树木青草都难以生长。从有无生命的意义上说死海确实是一个死寂的“海”。

1 给下面的字词注音。(2分)
归宿( ) 告磐( )
2 用简明准确的语言给死海下定义(2分):

3 作者根据什么推断死海有复苏的可能?(2分)
4 上文用了( )说明方法。(2分)
4 文中说“它的前途可能是乐观的”为什么用“可能”,删掉行不行?为什么?(2分)

马市长放下手里的茶杯,望着自己的女儿说道:“现在农村的条件的确挺苦,有些人只顾自己的 利益和前途,不愿到农村去,而这个女大学生敢于摆脱传统观念的束缚,敢于舍弃自己的利益,她这种精神值得表扬,我们一定要大力支持。”
1 这篇小说的情节结构是( )(1)
A 开端 发展 高潮 结局
B 序幕 开端 发展 高潮 结局 结尾
c 开端 发展 在高潮中结局
d 开端 发展到高潮 结局
2 这篇小说的主要人物是( )(2)
3 这篇小说塑造人物形象的主要方法是( )(2)
4 这篇小说的标题“变”主要取意于(
5 归纳来说全文写了几种“变”,至少列举出三种。(3分)

三 文言文(12分)
1. 解释下列句子中加点的词(4分)
⑴然,胡不已乎?( ) ⑵子墨子之守圉有余( )
⑶虽东臣,不能绝也( ) ⑷其两膝相比者( )
⑸其船背稍夷( ) ⑹罔不因势象形,各具情态( )
⑺岂直五百里哉( ) ⑻秦王色桡,长跪而谢之( )

⑵此三子者,皆布衣之地,怀怒未发,休 降于天,与臣而将四点


四 作文(40分)
2 字数500字左右。

( )1、A、make B、Kate C、kite D、week
( )2、A、what B、hat C、hot D、cat
( )3、A、shirt B、skirt C、short D、bird
( )4、A、water B、call C、quarter D、four
( )5、A、bike B、back C、black D、bag
( )6、A、He’s ill. B、He’s in a factory
C、He’s a doctor. D、He works on a farm.
( )7、A、I’m sorry. B、Good idea.
C、Nothing much. D、Yes, I do
( )8、A、They are going to play football. B、They are playing football.
C、They play football every day. D、They are playing basketball.
( )9、A、fish B、beautiful C、sweet D、yellow
( )10、A、Yes, it isn’t B、cheaper C、Yes, it is. D、No, it is
Thanksgiving usually comes in September or 11 .This year it’s 12 to be on September 15th. On that day families eat a big dinner. Like we do. They 13 eat mooncakes. These are 14 round cakes. They 15 a little like our pies. Many families eat their dinner 16 in the open air. The moon looks 17 and rounder on this day. In 18 , we call this moon the Harvest Moon. Chinese 19 often talk 20 their families and tell the story of Chang E.
( )1、A、now B、row C、how D、brown
( )2、A、moon B、foot C、broom D、food
( )3、A、game B、than C、thank D、matter
( )4、A、reach B、clean C、meat D、bread
( )5、A、thank B、fourth C、another D、three
1、 There is n________much wrong with your watch.
2、 John likes the c_______ better than the city.
3、 The children are b________ on the river now.
4、 Don’t play on the road. It’s d____________.
5、 Lucy is reading the e__________lesson.
( )1、It’s 8 o’clock .You ______go to work now.
A. had B. had better C. would better D. better
( )2、I can’t ______my pen. May I borrow yours?
A. find B. find out C. look for D. look at
( )3、That box is too heavy. I can’t _______ it.
A. got B. carry C. bring D. take
( )4、She is going to finish ________ the book this afternoon.
A. to read B. reads C. reading D. read
( )5、Playing football is _______ better than staying at home.
A. too B. more C. much D. most
( )6、There is going to ________ an English class tomorrow morning.
A. has B. be C. have D. is
( )7、I like watching the dolphins _______.
A. swim B. to swim C. swims D. to swimming
( )8、______ do they have every day?
A. How many meals B. How much meals
C. How many meal D. How much meal
( )9、They are going to work on the farm _______the morning of October 11
A. in B. on C. for D. at
( )10、The bus goes ______ than the bike.
A. fast B. fastest C. faster D. the faster
( )11、Tom jumps higher than _______ in the class.
A. any students B. all the students
C. other student D. any other student
( )12、John agrees ________ Ji Wei.
A. to B. of C. with D. at
( )13、________ goes more quickly, the bus or the car?
A. What B. Which C. Who D. Why
( )14、Look! The boys _______ games over there.
A. playing B. is playing C. are playing D. play
( )15、Would you like _______ to our English party?
A. coming B. come C. to coming D. to come
( )16、_________! I want to go fast.
A. come out B. Be careful C. Hurry up D. Get down
( )17、--Can you speak English? –Yes, but_______.
A. much B. only a little C. many D. only a few
( )18、--Shall I carry this box for you? --___________.
A. No, I don’t think so . B. No , thanks all the same.
C. That’s a good idea D. I’d love to
( )19、Why _________to the park?
A. not go B. don’t go C. not to go D. you goes
( )20、There is _______ “s” in ________ word “sea”.
A. an/a B. an/the C. a/a D. a/the
1. The children ______ ______(not play) basketball on the playground now.
2. I ________ often ________(not watch) TV because I am very busy.
3. The lesson is ________ _________(easy) in the book.,
4. Listen , Tom’s brother ________ ________(sing )next the room..
5. The people in China ________(be) very ________(friend).
1.Li Tao has a red pencil.(改为一般疑问句)
_______Li Tao _______a red pencil?
2.They are going to have a pencil on the hill.(对划线部分提问)
_______are they going to _______on the hill?
3.This box is heavy.That box is heavier.(合并成一句)
That box is _______ _______ this box.
4.There are 806 students in Taohua Middle school.(对划线部分提问)
How ________ students ______ there in Taohua Middle school?
5.Japanese and English aren’t the same. (改为同义句)
Japanese _______ different _________ English.
6. 我比我妹妹起来早得多。
I get up ________ __________than my sister.
7. 我认真地听,但什么也听不到。
I _________ carefully, but I ________nothing.
8. 现在是九点差一刻。
It’s a _________ __________nine.
9. 在第二十字路口向右拐。
Take the ___________ turning on the ____________.
10. 这六个学生必须一直把手放在背后。
The six students must __________their hands ________their backs.
( )1、I think the mooncakes in nuts are the nicest. ___________
( )2、Peter knows a lot of about English names. ____________
( )3、Mr Read’s coat is newer than Mr King. ___________
( )4、She has two sisters. One is tall, another is short. ___________
( )5、He is standing in the front of the blackboard. ____________
It is fine today. The sky is blue. Now it is nine o’clock in the morning . There ‘s a sports meeting on the big hill.
Look, a horse , a panda and a cat are running. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing.
There’re some other animals there, too . The elephants are standing.a monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The ,monkeys have a flag in his hand. Polly is sitting in a tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They are watching.
( )1、It is ________ today.
A. Sunday B. fine C. blue D. nice
( )2、__________ animals are climbing the tree?
A. Five B. Six C. Eleven D. Fourteen
( )3、What animals are climbing the tree?
A. The monkeys B. The pandas C. The foxes D. The cats
( )4、There are _______ at the sports meeting?
A. many monkeys B. many people
C. not any birds D. a lot of animals
( )5、Who are not watching the sports meeting?
A. A monkey , a baby cat and birds.
B. A fox, a baby horse and some cats.
C. A tiger, a baby horse and some cats.
D. Polly, an elephant and some fish
Kate is an English girl, but she lives in Paris. She is six years old now. Her mother says to he . “You are six now. Kate , and you are going to school here. It’s a nice school. I’m suer you will like it very much.”
“Is it an English school?” Kate asks.
“Yes, it is , dear, her mother answers.
It’s September and the new school begins . Kate goes to school every day . She likes her lessons very much .She is happy at school . Her father drives a bus. He takes her to school in the morning and comes home with her in the afternoon.
( )1、Kate is at a school in _________.
A. Paris B. England C. a bus D. her home
( )2、Kate lives _________.
A. at school B. in England
C. with her parents D. only with her mother
( )3、Kate goes to school __________.
A. with her mother B. with her brother
C. only in the morning D. by bus
( )4、The new school year begins ____________.
A. in September B. every week C. at six D. in the afternoon
( )5、Kate comes home with__________.
A. her friends B. her father C. her mother D. her parents