
现时的广州小吃和广州点心有区别,小吃的品种虽不如点心多,但用料比点心更杂,广州小吃是专指那些街边小店经营的米、面小型食品,制作较简朴;广州点心是茶楼、早茶的繁多品种,以及星期美点等,特点是:花式品种较多,造型精细。广州小吃,历史悠久,屈大均的《广东新语》中记有多种民间美食,如粉果、沙翁、粽子、薄脆等,至今久盛不衰。广州小吃属岭南风味,多来源于民间,大都被流传下来而成为传统名食。广州小吃可分七大类:广州小吃以米、面为主,杂粮次之都是蒸炊至熟的,可分为发酵和不发酵的两大类。有萝卜糕、马蹄糕、伦教糕、松糕、棉花糕、钵仔糕、面糕、芋头糕、等。广州小吃甜品类指各种甜味小吃品种,不包括面点、糕团在内,用料多为蛋、奶、植物花、果、仁等;各种红豆沙、绿豆沙,以及糯米麦粥、八宝粥、芝麻糊、杏仁糊、汤丸等,尤其以双皮奶和姜汁撞奶糊最为有名。广州小吃粽子类有甜粽和咸粽两种。广州小吃杂食类凡不属上述各类者皆是,因其用料很杂而得名,以价格低廉,风味多样而著称。 包括炒田螺、猪红汤、牛骨汤、酸辣瓜菜等。广州小吃油器类(油炸食品)即油炸小吃,以米、面和杂粮为原料,风味各异;咸的有油条;甜的白糖沙翁、笑口枣、脆麻花;咸甜相杂的有咸煎饼等;这类小吃,季节性不强,常年供应,但以冬季最盛,食时,一般与粥品相配,使之稀稠相辅。广州小吃粥品类名目繁多,其名大都以用料而定,也有以粥的风味特色而称的;有艇仔粥、“伍湛记”及第粥、瑶柱白果粥等。广州小吃粉面类以米、面为原料,大都是煮熟而成的。有云吞面(“欧成记”为代表)、沙河粉(可制成炒粉或汤粉)、猪肠粉、桂林米粉、濑粉等

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Guangzhou Snacks
At present, Guangzhou Snacks
and Guangzhou snack are different, snacks such as dim sum varieties though not many, but the material is more mixed than the dessert, Guangzhou snack is designed to operate those street-side shops rice, flour small-scale food production of the more simple; Guangzhou Dim Sum is a restaurant, morning tea of many varieties, as well as the United States point of weeks and so on, is characterized by: fancy varieties are more sophisticated modeling. Guangzhou, snacks, a long history, Qu Dajun's "Guangdong language" in mind that there are several non-governmental food, such as fruit powder, sand Dion, dumplings, crackers, etc., since a long time to flourish. Guangzhou Lingnan style snacks are more from the people, most have been handed down to become a traditional name of food. Guangzhou snacks can be divided into seven categories: Guangzhou snack with rice, flour-based, followed by coarse grains are steam cooked to the cooked, fermented and non-fermentation can be divided into two categories. There radish cake, water chestnut cakes, London cakes, sponge cake, cotton cake, steamed cake, flour cakes, taro cakes, and so on. Guangzhou Snacks Desserts category refers to all kinds of varieties of sweet snacks, not including pasta, Gaotuan included, the use of materials, mostly eggs, milk, plant flowers, fruits, benevolent, etc.; all kinds of red bean, green bean, and wheat glutinous rice porridge , rice pudding, sesame paste, almond paste, dumplings and so on, especially Shuangpi Nai and Ginger milk curd paste is most famous. Guangzhou snack dumplings class has two kinds of sweet rice dumplings and salty dumplings. Guangzhou snacks omnivorous class is not an above-mentioned categories by key is a hodgepodge of materials used for its named to low-cost, flavor variety is known. Including fried river snail, pig hong TANG, bone soup, hot and sour vegetables and so on. Guangzhou snacks class oil (fried foods), or fried snacks, with rice, flour and cereals as raw materials, different flavor; salt are fritters; sweet sugar sand Weng, laughing mouth dates, crisp fried dough twist; Xian Tian-phase hybrid There are salty pancake, etc.; such snacks, seasonality is not strong, year round supply, but the height in winter, food, general match with the congee to make it thin thick complement. Guangzhou, the numerous categories of small spur of the moment, its name is mostly in the material may be, but also to the flavor characteristics of porridge, known as; the Tingzi Yu, "Ng Cham Kee" and section porridge, dried scallop congee and so on ginkgo. Guangzhou Snacks Noodle with rice, flour as raw material, made of mostly cooked. There wonton noodles ( "Europe into the mind" as the representative), Shahe Fen (Fried or can be made into soup), pork rice rolls, Guilin rice noodles, Nose powder
第1个回答  2009-12-30
第2个回答  2009-12-30
Guangzhou snacks
Now the guangzhou snacks and guangzhou snack food varieties have difference, though, but more than dessert snacks, more than the makings of guangzhou food is originally those small business street of rice, noodles, and make a simple small food, Guangzhou snacks are various varieties of tea, tea, and a week, the characteristic is: variety, modelling is more subtle. Guangzhou snacks, has a long history, QuDaJun "guangdong (written in a variety of folk cuisine, such as powder,'s, dumplings, etc. Nonmetal persists, Guangzhou south flavor snack genera, from the people, mostly were passed down and become a traditional name. Guangzhou food can be divided into seven categories: guangzhou snacks with rice, noodles, steamed nce are world crops, and can be divided into the fermentation and two types of fermentation. Have turnip pudding, water chestnut pudding, Aaron teach cakes, muffin, cotton, cake, face cakes, taro cake, etc. Guangzhou snacks sweets refers to various sweet snacks, not including pastry, varieties, materials, cakes, group for the eggs and milk, plant flower, fruit, benevolence, etc. Various ormosia sand, green bean, wheat and rice porridge, rice pudding, sesame seed, almond paste, soup wandeng, especially in double peel milk and ginger juice and milk paste the most famous. Guangzhou snacks such zongzi sweet zong and salty zong two kinds. Guangzhou snacks such whoever does not belong to a patch of the above, because its material is very mixed with low price and the flavor of diverse, without stopping. Includes Fried tianluo, pig, ox bone soup of red hot soup, melons vegetables etc. Guangzhou food oil (Fried foods), namely Fried rice noodles, snacks and grains as raw materials, different flavors, Salty have twisted dough-strips, Sweet sugar's, XiaoKou jujubes, crisp serratula, The photograph is sweet and salty salty pancakes, etc. This kind of snacks, seasonal, perennial supply, but in winter, when most commonly, with porridge product match that rare stiff auxiliary. Guangzhou snacks porridge, mostly entitlement-exploding category name with makings, has the flavor characteristics and to say, There WuZhan "wang boat porridge," and porridge, conpoy ginkgo porridge, etc. Guangzhou snacks powder face to face, as a raw material, mostly is cooked. Have wonton noodles (" into "represented), powder (can be made into fry or soup powder), chee cheong fun, guilin, rice, programmes powder, etc
第3个回答  2009-12-30
Guangzhou Snacks
At present, Guangzhou and Guangzhou snack snacks are different, snacks such as dim sum varieties though not many, but the material is more mixed than the dessert, Guangzhou snack is designed to operate those street-side shops rice, flour small-scale food production of the more simple; Guangzhou Dim Sum is a restaurant, morning tea of many varieties, as well as the United States point of weeks and so on, is characterized by: fancy varieties are more sophisticated modeling. Guangzhou, snacks, a long history, Qu Dajun's "Guangdong language" in mind that there are several non-governmental food, such as fruit powder, sand Dion, dumplings, crackers, etc., since a long time to flourish. Guangzhou Lingnan style snacks are more from the people, most have been handed down to become a traditional name of food. Guangzhou snacks can be divided into seven categories: Guangzhou snack with rice, flour-based, followed by coarse grains are steam cooked to the cooked, fermented and non-fermentation can be divided into two categories. There radish cake, water chestnut cakes, London cakes, sponge cake, cotton cake, steamed cake, flour cakes, taro cakes, and so on. Guangzhou Snacks Desserts category refers to all kinds of varieties of sweet snacks, not including pasta, Gaotuan included, the use of materials, mostly eggs, milk, plant flowers, fruits, benevolent, etc.; all kinds of red bean, green bean, and wheat glutinous rice porridge , rice pudding, sesame paste, almond paste, dumplings and so on, especially Shuangpi Nai and Ginger milk curd paste is most famous. Guangzhou snack dumplings class has two kinds of sweet rice dumplings and salty dumplings. Guangzhou snacks omnivorous class is not an above-mentioned categories by key is a hodgepodge of materials used for its named to low-cost, flavor variety is known. Including fried river snail, pig hong TANG, bone soup, hot and sour vegetables and so on. Guangzhou snacks class oil (fried foods), or fried snacks, with rice, flour and cereals as raw materials, different flavor; salt are fritters; sweet sugar sand Weng, laughing mouth dates, crisp fried dough twist; Xian Tian-phase hybrid There are salty pancake, etc.; such snacks, seasonality is not strong, year round supply, but the height in winter, food, general match with the congee to make it thin thick complement. Guangzhou, the numerous categories of small spur of the moment, its name is mostly in the material may be, but also to the flavor characteristics of porridge, known as; the Tingzi Yu, "Ng Cham Kee" and section porridge, dried scallop congee and so on ginkgo. Guangzhou Snacks Noodle with rice, flour as raw material, made of mostly cooked. There wonton noodles ( "Europe into the mind" as the representative), Shahe Fen (Fried or can be made into soup), pork rice rolls, Guilin rice noodles, Nose powder本回答被提问者采纳