职场英语:外企的offer letter回复


职场英语:外企的offer letter回复

  offerletter是什么?工作中有什么作用? 以下是我为大家整理的`职场英语:外企的offer letter回复,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

  职场英语:外企的offer letter回复 篇1

Dear sir/ madam,

  Thanks for your recognition.

  I have signed the offer and agreed with all the terms it contained.

  Its my honor to work with you and I have determined to work for ?

  Its ok for me to start my work on xxx

  Looking forward to having a bright future with xxx

  Best Regards

  I think you mean received,if you want to refuse it,it is simple,just say that:

  I am so sorry/regret to say that I can't xxxx

  Above may be helpful to you!

  职场英语:外企的offer letter回复 篇2

Dear sir/ madam,

  I am really glad to receive your job- offering letter. But because I have to handle some personal affairs, I will check in next week. I am regretful about the postponement and hope you can understand it.

  Moreover, I would like to know more about my job and I will appreciate it if you can take up a few minutes to answer the following questions:



  Yours sincere
