
1、the Bund(上海)外滩
2、scissors n. 剪刀
3、bench n. 长凳
4、mention v. 提及
5、build n.体型;体格
6、middle-aged adj. 中年的


1. i want to visit the Bund
2.this pair of scissors was bought by my mother.
3. there are some benches in the park.
4. don't mention the accident to your mother.
5. you really have a good build.
6. my father is a middle-aged man.
第1个回答  2009-12-28
the Bund was so beautiful that it left me a good memory
the scissors is shapener than that one
we were sit on the bench from moning to night
the message mentions a impontant news
he is a man who have a good build
the middle-aged women is my mother