




本次论坛是一次系列活动,论坛结束后还将举办“首届优秀心理咨询机构及优秀心理咨询师评选”及“首届国际心理应用产品汇展”等活动。后续活动安排在11月份的“第三届北京学习节 北京冬季书市” 举办。

参加论坛的大陆专家有北京心理卫生协会会长刘福源、秘书长杨凤池;中国教育学会家庭教育委员会理事长、北京师范大学教授赵忠心;红枫心理咨询服务中心理事长王行娟;北京青少年服务中心、北京市禁毒教育基地 副主任 石建春等。





第1个回答  2006-10-16
Major Events in the History of Psychology

1878 --Stanley Hall becomes the first American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology. Hall eventually founds the American Psychological Association.
1878年,Stanley Hall第一个获得心理学博士学衔,后来他建立了美国心理学协会。

1879 –Wilhelm Wundt founds the first psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany. The event is considered the starting point of psychology as a separate science.
1879年,Wilhelm Wundt在德国莱比锡成立第一个心理学实验时,此事件被认为是心理学作为一门独立的科学的开始。

1881 --Wundt forms the professional journal Philosophische Studien (Philosophical Studies)

1886 –Sigmund Freud begins providing therapy to patients in Vienna, Austria.
1886年,Sigmund Freud在奥地利维也纳给患者提供治疗。

1888--J. McKeen Cattell becomes the first professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
1888年,J. McKeen Cattell于宾夕法尼亚大学成为第一位心理学教授。

1890 --J.M. Cattell publishes Mental Tests and Measurements, the beginning of the practice of psychological assessment.

--William James publishes Principles of Psychology.

--Sir Francis Galton creates correlation technique to better understand relationships between variable in intelligence studies.

1892 --G. Stanley Hall forms the American Psychological Association (APA), which initially has just 42 members.

--Wundt’s student Edward B. Titchener moves to America.

1894 --Margaret Floy Washburn completes her training under Tichener.

1895 --Alfred Binet forms the first psychology lab devoted to psychodiagnosis.

1898 --Edward Thorndike develops the Law of Effect.

1900 –Sigmund Freud publishes Interpretation of Dreams.

1901 --The British Psychological Society is formed.

1905 --Mary Whiton Calkins is elected the first woman president of the American Psychological Association.

--Alfred Binet publishes the intelligence test New Methods for the Diagnosis of the Intellectual Level of Subnormals.

1906 --Ivan Pavlov publishes his findings on classical conditioning.

--Morton Prince founds the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

1907 –Carl Jung publishes The Psychology of Dementia Praecox.

1909 --Calkins publishes A First Book in Psychology.

1912 --Edward Thorndike publishes Animal Intelligence. The article leads to the development of the theory of operant conditioning.

--Max Wertheimer publishes Experimental Studies of the Perception of Movement, leading to the devolpment of Gestalt Psychology.

1913 –Carl Jung begins to depart from Freudian views and develops his own theories, which are eventually known as analytical psychology.

--John Watson publishes Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It. The work helped establish behaviorism, which viewed human behavior arising from conditioned responses.

1915 –Sigmund Freud publishes work on repression.

1917 -- Then president of the APA, Robert Yerkes writes the Alpha and Beta Tests for the Army to test intelligence.

1919 -- John B. Watson publishes Psychology, From the Standpoint of a Behaviorist.

1920 --John Watson and Rosalie Rayner publish research the classical conditioning of fear with their subject, Little Albert.

1925 --Gestal Psychology is brought to America with the publication of Wolfgang Kohler’s Perception: An Introduction to the Gestalt Theory.

1932 --Jean Piaget becomes the foremost cognitive theorist with the publication of his work The Moral Judgment of Children.

1935 --Henry Murray publishes the Thematic Appreception Test (TAT).

1942 --Carl Rogers developed client-centered therapy and publishes Counseling and Psychotherapy. His approach encourages respect and positive regard for patients.

1952 --The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is published.

1954 --Abraham Maslow publishes Motivation and Personality, describing his theory of a hierarchy of needs. He also helps found humanistic psychology.

1963 --Alfred Bandura first describes the concept of observational learning to explain personality development.

1974 --Stanley Milgram publishes Obedience to Authority.

1980 --The DSM-III is published.

1990 --Noam Chomsky publishes On Nature, Use and Acquisition of Language.

1994 --The DSM-IV is published.

2000 --Genetic researchers finish mapping human genes. Scientists hope to one day isolate the individual genes responsible for diseases.
2004--事件 1 :国际心理学大会
事件 2 :第十七届国际跨文化心理学大会

事件 3 :中科院心理所赢得第 17 届国际人类工效学大会主办权
事件 4 :运动心理学为中国雅典奥运会运动员服务
事件 5 :第二届中国 EAP 年会

事件 6 :上海 2004 中国精神分析年会

事件 7 :教育部直属高校大学生心理健康教育工作会议顺利召开

事件 8 :国内首家心理咨询师专业委员会成立
事件 9 :卫生部《关于进一步加强精神卫生工作的指导意见》发布

事件 10 :自杀危机干预渐上轨道