


conduct research:进行研究,例如:The university is conducting research on cancer treatment.(这所大学正在进行癌症治疗方面的研究。)

carry out research:开展研究,例如:The company is carrying out research on consumer behavior.(这家公司正在开展有关消费者行为的研究。)

do research:做研究,例如:I need to do some research before I can write this paper.(我需要做一些研究才能写这篇论文。)

conduct a survey:进行调查,例如:The government conducted a survey on public transportation.(政府对公共交通进行了调查。)

carry out an experiment:进行实验,例如:The scientists are carrying out an experiment on the effects of pollution.(科学家们正在进行一项有关污染影响的实验。)

gather data:收集数据,例如:The researchers gathered data from over 500 participants.(研究人员从500多名参与者那里收集了数据。)

analyze data:分析数据,例如:The team is analyzing the data to find patterns.(团队正在分析数据以找出规律。)

publish research:发表研究成果,例如:The professor published his research in a top journal.(这位教授在一份顶级期刊上发表了他的研究成果。)

present research:展示研究成果,例如:The students presented their research at a conference.(学生们在一次会议上展示了他们的研究成果。)

review research:审查研究成果,例如:The committee reviewed the research before making a decision.(委员会在做出决定之前审查了研究成果。)
