

Last Night - Lucy Spraggan
Last night I told you I loved you, woke up blamed it on the vodka / 昨晚我告诉你我爱你,醒後才知是伏特加惹的祸
I generally thought I was dying and I could see that smile you were hiding / 我基本上料到我死了,我好像看到了你不露声色的偷笑
Last night I told you I need you, that's the last time I drink tequila / 昨晚我告诉你我想要你,那是我最後一次喝龙舌兰
Sucking lemon and physic sulking, I start crying and verbally assaulting / 吸口柠檬占卜到你在生闷气,我开始大哭而且咒骂你
Last night I asked you to marry me, that's when I remembered the brandy / 昨晚我让你娶我,那是因为我记得我喝了白兰地
I wake up and claim I didn't say it, screwed if I ever wake up in Vegas / 我醒後解释我没说过这话,如果我醒来後是在拉斯维加斯那我人生就太衰了
Wish I could stop and I'm not joking / 希望我停止抽烟喝酒,我可没开玩笑
Drinking too much and socially smoking / 喝了太多酒抽了太多烟
Wish I could stop and start to behave and then wake up in the morning and never miss a day again / 希望我停止抽烟喝酒注意行为,然後我一觉醒来到天亮不会又混混沌沌错过了一天
Last night I called you a loser, I think that was after flaming sambuca/ 昨晚我叫你是个失败者,我觉得那是喝完燃烧的桑布卡后说的
I shouted at you 'do me a favor' and that's when I fell off the pavement / 我冲你喊‘得了吧’然後我摔倒了在路上
Wish I could stop and I'm not joking / 希望我停止抽烟喝酒,我可没开玩笑
Drinking too much and socially smoking / 喝了太多酒抽了太多烟
Wish I could stop and start to behave and then wake up in the morning and never miss a day again / 希望我停止抽烟喝酒注意行为,然後我一觉醒来到天亮不会又混混沌沌错过了一天
Cause I'd love to learn when to shut my mouth / 因为我想我还是闭嘴的好以免酒後失言
Wake up in the morning and be in my own house / 早上醒来我是在自己的家里
Do one last shot and know when to stop / 最後来一杯一口闷,我知道该结束了
No more photo's on facebook of me doing the robot / 脸书上不会再有我像个机器人那样的照片了
No when to leave and when to lock my front door / 不再出去刷夜,锁上门好好待在家
Stop waking up in cheese and in a bed full of people / 不要醒来后脸上还留著奶酪而且床上挤满了人
Sitting in a cupboard with my weird best friend / 和我最要好的疯狂朋友坐在衣柜里
But I'm only young so I'm not gonna pretend / 但我还小我不想装
第1个回答  2014-01-16
lucy spraggan - last night