
1. 医生叫那个病人做一次深呼吸。(take a deep breath)
2. 那个年轻人非常具有幽默感,常常令其他人捧腹大笑。(a sense of)
3. 在这片热带雨林中生活着各种各样的动物。(a variety of )
4. 大学毕业后,jean决定在他的家乡开创自己的事业。(start one’s own business)
5. 父母应该爱护他们的孩子。另一方面,他们对孩子也应该严格要求。(on the other hand)
6. 由于时间有限。我就不想谈这个话题了。(go into details)
7. 孩提时,我一直梦想着有一天能上大学。(dream of)
8. 如果你有什么要求,请告诉我,不要犹豫。(hesitate)
9. 我的父亲是一个意志坚强的人。(a strong character)
10. 大学毕业后,我选择了当记者。(choose to do )

1. 坦白说,我非常喜欢晚饭后散步。
2. 我记得整个事情就好象发生在昨天一样。
3. 我们猜想他们会玩来会。
4. 医生劝总经理休息几天。
5. 很显然。我们的任务是打扫教室。
6. 当我们快要到达学校的时候,看到了这次交通事故。
7. 我大概没能把自己的思想表达清楚。
8. 李明代表我们班出席了这次会议。
9. 对你的周围世界感到好奇是好事。
10. 请大声朗读,好让我能听到。

1. 正在上学的路上
2. 就是在昨天我遇到了张教授。
3. 我们会想出办法的。
4. 他跑得那么快,我没能赶上他,(so… that)
5. 请排队等空位好吗。(wait in line)
6. 他对伦敦很熟悉,几乎没费多大劲就找到了那所学校。(have trouble in doing)
7. 这个会议室足够大,可以容纳1000人、(enough)
8. 他从来不做事,整天游手好闲。(fool around)
9. 最后他们承认被击败了。(acknowledge)
10. 我忍不住要逗吉姆笑。(resist)
11. 我有时候邀请学生共今晚餐。(from time to time)

1. 医生叫那个病人做一次深呼吸。(take a deep breath)
The doctor asks the patient to take a deep breath.
2. 那个年轻人非常具有幽默感,常常令其他人捧腹大笑。(a sense of)
The young man has such a good sense of humor that he always makes others laugh.
3. 在这片热带雨林中生活着各种各样的动物。(a variety of )
There is a variety of animals live in the rain forest.
4. 大学毕业后,jean决定在他的家乡开创自己的事业。(start one’s own business)After her graduation from university,Jean decieded to start her own business in her hometown.
5. 父母应该爱护他们的孩子。另一方面,他们对孩子也应该严格要求。(on the other hand)
Parents shoule love their kid and on the other hand they should also be strict to them.
6. 由于时间有限。我就不想谈这个话题了。(go into details)
For the time is limited,i don't want to go into details on this topic.
7. 孩提时,我一直梦想着有一天能上大学。(dream of)
When i was a child, i always dreamed of being in a university.
8. 如果你有什么要求,请告诉我,不要犹豫。(hesitate)
If you have any request,don't hesitate,just tell me.
9. 我的父亲是一个意志坚强的人。(a strong character)
My father is a strong character.
10. 大学毕业后,我选择了当记者。(choose to do )
i choose to be an journalist after i was graduated.

1. 坦白说,我非常喜欢晚饭后散步。To be honest, i like to have a walk after supper very much.
2. 我记得整个事情就好象发生在昨天一样。I remember the whole thing happened just like yesterday
3. 我们猜想他们会玩来会。We guess they might come here later.
4. 医生劝总经理休息几天。Doctor suggests general manager to take a rest for a few days.
5. 很显然。我们的任务是打扫教室。to clean the classroom is our task obviously.
6. 当我们快要到达学校的时候,看到了这次交通事故。We saw this traffic accident when we almost arrived at shool.
7. 我大概没能把自己的思想表达清楚。
Maybe i just don't explain my idea very clearly.
8. 李明代表我们班出席了这次会议。
Liming attend this conference on behalf of our class.
9. 对你的周围世界感到好奇是好事。it's a good thing to be curious about the around world.
10. 请大声朗读,好让我能听到。Please read loudly,then i can hear it.

1. 正在上学的路上on the way to school
2. 就是在昨天我遇到了张教授。i met professor Zhang yesterday.
3. 我们会想出办法的。We'll got the solution.
4. 他跑得那么快,我没能赶上他,(so… that)He ran so fast that i fail to catch up with him.
5. 请排队等空位好吗。(wait in line)Please wait in line to wait the unoccupied seat.
6. 他对伦敦很熟悉,几乎没费多大劲就找到了那所学校。(have trouble in doing)Being such familiar with london,he don't have any trouble in finding that school.
7. 这个会议室足够大,可以容纳1000人、(enough)
This meeting room is big enough to contain 1000 people.
8. 他从来不做事,整天游手好闲。(fool around)
He doesn't do anything and fool around all day.
9. 最后他们承认被击败了。(acknowledge)
At last,they acknowledged be beated down .
10. 我忍不住要逗吉姆笑。(resist)
i cann't resit to make Jim laugh.
11. 我有时候邀请学生共今晚餐。(from time to time)
i invite my students to have dinner together from time to time.

第1个回答  2010-02-05
第2个回答  2010-02-05
1 the doctor asked the paitient to take a deep breath.
2 the young man has such a good sense of humour that he always makes others laugh.
3 in this rain forest live a vairety of animals.
4. jean decided to start his own business in his hometown after graduating from theuniversity.
5. parents should take good care of their children, on the other hand,they should be strict with their kids as well.
6. because of the limited time, I don't want to go into details on this issue.
7. I dreamed of going to university one day in my childhood.
8. if you have any requests, please tell me without hesitating.
9. my father is a man with a strong character.
10. I chose to be a journalist after I gruaduated from university.
第3个回答  2010-02-05
1.Doctors asked the patient to take a deep breath.
2.That young boy is full of a sense of humour,and always makes people laugh.
3.There are a variety of animals living in this equatorial forest.
4.Jean wanted to start her own business when she graduated from the college.
5.On the one hand, parents need to protect their child;on the other hand,they also should be strict with him.
6.Time is limited.I don't want to go into details.
7.When I was a child, I was always dreaming of going to university.
8.If you have problems,please just tell me.Don't be hesitated.
9.My father is a man who has a strong character.
10.When I graduated, I chose to be a reporter.