

爱情转移英文版(by Van)爱情转移 Love Transfering 歌手:陈奕迅 By:easonchan 曲:christopher chak Composer: christopher chak 词:林夕 Verse: lynxi, vannee 徘徊过多少橱窗住过多少旅馆 Wander around many windows,stay in many hotels才会觉得分离也并不冤枉 Feeling divorce is better for both感情是用来浏览还是用来珍藏 Emotion is used to scan or to collect好让日子天天都过得难忘 Let days be spent unforgetably熬过了多久患难湿了多长眼眶 Endure long suffering, wetten my eyes long才能知道伤感是爱的遗产 And know sadness is love’s heritage流浪几张双人床换过几次信仰 Given up double beds, changed several beliefs才让戒指义无返顾的交换 Then exchange rings undoubtly把一个人的温暖转移到另一个的胸膛 Transfer one’s warmth to another’s chest让上次犯的错反省出梦想 Remember dreams with last fault每个人都是这样享受过提心吊胆 Everyone repeats this, enjoyed many worries才拒绝做爱情待罪的羔羊 Then refuse to be as a loving guilty lamb回忆是捉不到的月光握紧就变黑暗 Memo is smooth moonlight turning dark when grasped等虚假的背影消失于晴朗 Until unreal shadows disappear in sunny阳光在身上流转等所有业障被原谅 Sunlight’s around you, when all sins are forgiven爱情不停站想开往地老天荒 Love arrives no stop, wanner drive to forever需要多勇敢 Needs much bravery烛光照亮了晚餐照不出个答案 Candle lightens supper, lightens no answer恋爱不是温馨的请客吃饭 Love’s not gentle dinner invitation床单上铺满花瓣拥抱让它成长 Sheet’s put petals, embrace grows them up太拥挤就开到了别的土壤 Too crowded blossoming on other soil感情需要人接班接近换来期望 Affection needs shift, close brings hope期望带来失望的恶性循环 Hope bringing disappointment’s bad circulation短暂的总是浪漫漫长总会不满 Temporary love is romantic, long period is unsatisfied烧完美好青春换一个老伴 Spoiled up colorful youth, exchange another old lover你不要失望荡气回肠是为了 Do not be disappointed, spirit is for最美的平凡 The most beautiful commonplace Van