

Once upon a time there was a little mermaid named Ariel. Who lived in a kingdom under the sea.
Evrey day Ariel longed for the world above the ocean." If only I could be a human instead of a mermaid." She said to herself.
Ariel's father,king Triton,found out that Ariel had been swimming to the ocean's surface even though it was forbidden.
"Keep an eye on Ariel."the king ordered the court composer,Sebastian the coab."Don't let her go near any humans!"
But Sebastian could not stop Ariel.One day she approached a sailing ship whete she spied a handsome prince named Eric.
Suddenly a terrible storm came up.Ariel saw prince Eric fall overboard.
"I've got to save him!"cried Ariel.she found the Prince and pulled him to safety.
Before Eric awoke Ariel sang to him.she thought he was the most wonderful human she'd even seen.
Long after Ariel returned to the sea in his dreams.
King Triton found out that Ariel had disobeyed him once again."I told you to say away from humans!"he shouted.
"But Daddy,I love him!" Ariel cried. she had to see prince Eric again.
Latter that day, Ariel went to Ursula. the evil sea witch.Ursula promised to turn Ariel into a human --- for a price.
"You mast give me your voice." Ursula commanded. "And if your prince doesn't kiss you in there days,you're mine!"
Ariel agreed to give Ursula her voice.Within seconds,she had human legs and could no longer swim.Sebastian and Flounder had to help her to shore.
When the Prince found Ariel.he did not know who she was. "Can't you speak?" he asked. "Then let me help you. I'll take you to the palace."
On the second day of Ariel visit, prince Erice took her on a tour of his kingdim. They went for a romantic boat rode in the lagoon. But before Erice could kiss her, Ursula's nasty eels overturned the boat.
Ursula knew she needed to take matters into her own tentacles, so she changed herself into a beautiful girl named Vanessa.Ariel's voice was tucked safely inside a shell around Vanessa's neck.
As soon as Erice heard the voice.he became hypnotized.He agreed to marry Vanessa that very day aboard his wedding ship.
Ariel friend Scuttle the seagull discovered Ursula's trick.He led an army of birds and sea creatures to the ship. hoping to stop the wedding.
In the struggle,Vanessa's necklace shattered. Instantly,Erice awoke from his spell and Ariel got her voice back.Now she could finally tell Erice who she really was.
But just then,the sun set,and Ariel was turned back into a mermaid.
The sea witch grabbed her and dived overboard.Erice followed them into the sea.He fought Ursula with all his strength and wits.and finally destoyed her.
At last,Ariel was back with her father under the sea .But she was very unhappy.Now she and her prince would never be together.
Even king Triton could see how unhappy Ariel really was, "she really loves him, doesn't she?" the king asked Sebastian.
Sabastian nodded yes,and Triton knew what he must do.The aea king waved his trident,making Arirl human again.soon,aboard the royal wedding ship. Ariel said good---bye to her friends under the sea.She and her prince were together forever.The little Mermaid's wish had finally come true.
第1个回答  2010-02-05

