

2.圣诞节那天,新世纪百货公司给前往该店购物的每位顾客赠送了一小盒巧克力。(give away)

3.等了很久以后,我们终于看到校长在主席台上露面了。(show up;platform)

4.街上隔一段距离设一个电话亭是文明的象征,同时也是城市里一条美丽的风景线。(telephone booths)

5.中国已经顺利完成两次载人航天的任务。(manned by)

6.直到今天,我仍然清楚的记得老校长在我们毕业典礼上讲的一席话。(graduation ceremony)


Promoting new products on the televsion has become a popular way but annoying as well.
On Christmas Day,New Century department store gave a small box of chocolate to every customer who came to shop.
The principal finally showed up on the platform after we waited for a long time.
Setting telephone booths on the each side of the street is a symbol of civilization,and also a beatiful scenery line of a city.
China has already finished the two task of space flight manned by people sucessfully.
Until now,I still clearly remember the words of the old principal said on our graduation ceremony.
第1个回答  2009-09-17
1.Promoting new products on TV has become a very common but very annoying practice.
2.On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store Company gave away a small box of chocolate to each of the customers who came shopping in this store.
3.Having waited such a long time , we finally saw the president show up on the platform.
4.Across the street some distance away from Establishment of telephone booths at a distance along the street is a symbol of civilization, but also a beautiful landscape of the city
5.China has successfully completed two manned-by space missions
6.Until today, I still clearly remember what the old principal said in our graduation ceremony.
第2个回答  2009-09-17
用这个翻译吧 很全的
