
还有什么get up ,get down ,等等等等


on time按时I'm sure I can finish the work on time.

on duty值日I'm on duty today.

on business出差Mr Wang has gone abroad on business.

on holiday度假Miss Li is on holiday.

On Practice 《实践论》

on Sunday在星期天,on Sunday morning在星期天早上

on the wall在墙上

on the desk在课桌上

on a train在火车上

on the right/left在右边/左边

on foot步行He usually goes to school on foot.

on fire着火 The house is on fire.

on one's way to去...的路上On my way to school I met my uncle.

on top of在...顶On top of the mountain there is a red flag.

go on继续Let's go on working.

put on穿上...It's cold outside.Put on your coat.

turn on打开...Turn on the TV,please.

depend on依靠,依赖You shouldn't always depend on your parents.

get on上车I saw her get on the bus.

keep on doing继续做...Let's keep on talking.


1.stared at盯着看

Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.克鲁索盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。

2.glare at怒目注视

The father glared at the naughty boy.父亲怒视着那个淘气的男孩。

3.look at看着,望着

As he looked at it,the goat rolled over and died.正当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了个身就死了。

4.throw at投向,掷向

We had to throw a stone at the dog.我们只好拿石头打狗。

5.rush at冲向

The soldiers stood up and rushed at the enemy.战士们站了起来,朝敌人冲去。

6.run at奔向,袭击

We're thinking of a way to run at the gang.我们正想法去袭击那个匪帮。

7.fly at飞向,扑

The tiger flew at the hunter.老虎向猎人扑来。

8. jump at跳向,欣然接受

Don't jump at a conclusion.切勿轻断。

Everybody jumped at the offer.每一个人都欣然接受了这一提议。

9.guess at猜,以为

I can't even guess at what you mean.我猜不着(推测不出)你的意思。

10.laugh at 嘲笑

She me here not to be laughed at.她来这儿不是为了遭人嘲笑。

11.smile at向…微笑

The baby smiled at me so sweetly.这婴儿朝我微微一笑。

12.gasp at因……而屏息(喘气)

The people gasped at the cruelty of the order.人们听到这道残酷的命令倒吸了一口凉气

13.be surprised at对……感到惊奇

We were surprised at the beautiful girl's rudeness.我们对那位漂亮姑娘的粗鲁而感到惊奇。

14.womder at因……而诧异

He wondered at the sight of her appearance again.他因看到她再次露面而觉得诧异。

15.aim at瞄准

The twins aimed carefully at the lion.那对双胞胎都仔细地瞄准了那头狮子。

16.tear at强拉

The rich man tore at her sleeve.那位富人强拉她的袖子。

17.grab at抓住不放

He grabbed at the opportunity of going abroad.他紧紧抓住出国的机会。

18.shout at对……大声叫嚷

You needn't shout at me.你不必对我叫嚷。

19.shoot at对……射击

He ordered her to shoot at the apple with one of her arrows.他命令她用一支箭射苹果。

20.thrust at用刀剑等向……猛刺

He drew his sword and thrust it at me.他拔剑向我刺来。

21.come at攻击

The bear came at him before he ran away.他还未来得及逃跑,熊就朝他扑来。

22.gaze at注视,凝视

What are you gazing at?你在注视什么?

23.glance at看一下,看一眼

Would you like to glance at the clock?请看一下几点钟了好吗?

24.work hard at努力学习

He is working hard at Russian.他在用功读俄文。

25.be good at善于

My father is best at drawing.我父亲最擅长于画画。

26.live at住在

He lives at 88,the East Street of the city.他住本城东大街88号。

27.arrive at到达

When did you arrive at the bus-stop?你何时到达汽车站的?

28.sell/buy at以(的价格)卖出(买进)

They sell their fridges at the lowest price.他们以最低价销售电冰箱. -
第1个回答  2009-09-19
科学的高考复习方法 应试是一个十分复杂的的心理过程。其中,记忆活动在整个应试活动中具有相当重要的作用。从一定程度上讲,记忆是获得高考成功的前提条件,甚至看作"核心因素对也不过分。一个人的记忆库能够提供的信息越丰富,提取过程越迅速,提取内容越精确,他的思维就越流畅,考试成绩也越理想。另外,目前高考的题目类型中,依靠再认和回忆直接作出反应的题目仍占很大比例,当然里面也存在知识的灵活运用问题,但知识的累积无疑是提取和应用的前提条件。因此如何提高记忆效率就成为高考复习中亟待解决的问题。心理学研究告诉我们,记忆活动是有规律可循的、灵活掌握和运用记忆方法能使考前复习达到事半功倍的效果,请看下面的介绍。 什么是及时复习法? 记忆的遗忘规律说明,学习后的遗忘过程是不均衡的,最初一段时间忘得很快,以后就逐渐变慢。也就是说,如果不及时复习,所记内容在很短时间内就会遗忘很多,以后随着时间的延长,遗忘量逐渐增加,但遗忘增加的速度却渐渐慢下来。所以说,以往在考生中盛行的"车轮战"或"突击式"的复习方法是违背遗忘规律的。实际上,这两种方法都是在以往学习内容差不多完全遗忘的情况下进行复习的。所以这样的复习既不经济又无效率。如果在学校或首次复习之后的最短时间内重新投人复习,则可省去许多宝贵时间。但是需注意一点,及时复习的时间间隔不是越短越好,要因人而异,另外,及时复习的方法较适合于文字材料的背诵,如单词、文章段落、大论述题等。 什么是多通道记忆? 心理学研究发现,单靠视觉只能记住学习内容的25%,单靠听觉只能记住15%。宋代学者朱熹曾经提出,读书要做到"三到":"心到、眼到、口到。"说的就是要将视觉与听觉结合起来,协同记忆、理解记忆。研究表明,这种多通道协同记忆的方法比单纯用眼看或口念要有效得多。此外,此过程中动觉的参与也很重要。开始使用多通道记忆法对可能不太习惯,但贵在持之以恒,长期坚持就会发现它的优势和价值。此法尤适于背诵外语、政治、历史、语文这类一记忆性较强的学科内容。 什么是尝试反馈法? 背诵在复习过程中占有重要地位。心理学研究发现,背诵中的反馈作用十分重要,它能极大地提高记忆效果,节省时间。复习过程中可以利用的反馈方式包括:阅读、回想和提示等。 研究表明,单纯阅读或单纯背诵的效果一般,边背边读可以增加记忆量,节省记忆时间。具体做法是,先将材料读上几遍,然后尝试着背诵一遍,记不住的地方再读几遍,然后再背,直到彻底记住为止。这种方法利用的原理就是及时反馈。第二种反馈方式是回想,一段复习材料背诵之后,间隔一段时间或在从事其它活动过程中。回想一下刚才的记亿内容,并将其中的重点内容(如标题和关键词)背出声来。其中遗忘的内容作为下次背诵的重点。第三种反馈方式是提示,将学习材料背过几遍之后,交给帮助你背诵的人,由对方任选其中应背的内容向你提问。背诵过程中遗忘的地方可以由提问者加以提示,并作为下次背诵的重点。 这种方法适合于长常内容的背诵,若能与及时复习法结合,效果更佳。 什么是重点记忆法? 高考来临之际,许多同学仍采用口面俱到的复习方法。其实,高考涉及的内容再广,面再宽,也不会把整本书都包括;进去,考试也有个重点;另外,从知识体系来讲,把握重点也是把握全局的关键,只有对重点内容重点复习,才能对细节问题产生更好的理解和认识;最后,从记忆过程讲,重点记忆有利于把握整体格局。需要指出的是,重点记忆必须以全面复习为前提。记忆内容不能以点代面,以偏概全。一般来讲,复习或记忆重点包括下列内容。 ①考试大纲所要求的内容; ②考前老师着重复习的内容, ③考试和作业中出现的薄弱环节; ④每段章节中的难点和关键点。 具体做法是,首先列出每章内容的重点,及时复习、反复强化;然后解决本章内容中的难点和自己的弱点;第三步是针对重点内容的重点题型多做练习反复强化;最后将自己复习的重点内容与考试大纲要求的内容作比较,以大纲为指导,力求全面。 此法特别适合于篇幅较长文章的背诵,如大型论述题、问答题。 什么是过度学习法? 在背诵复习材料时,许多同学以为只要能大致记住就行了。其实,所谓记忆的水平是不一样的。如果在刚刚达到背诵的基础上,再继续追加背诵几遍,这时记忆效果会明显提。心理学研究表明,过度学习的次数和时间保持在饱和学习的5O%~100%之间较为适宜,且过度学习对任何材料都适合的。一般成年人或记忆力稍差的同学需要接近100%的过度学习,年轻人或记。忆力较好的考生可安排20%~60%的过度学习。 什么是分散复习法? 分散复习与集中复习是针对两个方面而言的,一是时间,二是内容。 心理学实验表明,从时间上讲,分散注意的效果优于集中复习。尤其是难度大的学习材料更适合于分散复习。注意以下三点可以更好地发挥分散复习的长处:①分散复习要有一定的前提。协间有限,不能将时间分得太细,间隔太长,最好将分散与集中结合起来;"②时间不可过于分散,注意贯彻及时复习的原则I③一般来讲,纯记忆性材料分散法效果较好,学习能力稍差的同学采用此法较为适宜。 另外,从内容上讲,集中相当于整体,分散相当于分段,这两种方法的优劣与所记材料的长度、难度有关。系统性较强的材料。如论述题,适于整体记忆;而记忆性较强又比较零散的内容则适于分段记忆,如英文单词、人名地名、时间年代等。 可以将分散--集中与分段--整体交叉组合,采用"时间集中--内容分段"或"时间分散--内容整体"的匹配方式。此外还有一种分段与整体相结合的记忆方法,称为"渐进分段记忆法",在分段的同时进行区域集中,几小段合成一大段。这种方法既便于分段记忆,各个击破,又利于加强各段材料间的联系,融汇贯通;同时既适合于集中学习,也适合于分散学习。 什么是排除抑制法? 复习过程中我们会发现,所背诵材料的记忆效果并不均衡,往往表现为材料的两端较易回忆,中间最难提取。心理学将这种现象群为"材料间的相互抑制"。抑制可分为例摄抑制(后学习的起料对先学习材料的干扰)和前摄抑制(先学习的材料对后学习材料的干扰)两种。中间材料既受前摄,抑制又受倒摄抑制,肯定效果最不好,因此"照顾两侧,强化中间"的策略的应用就极为重要了。 研究表明,内容的相似性越大,相互间的干扰也就越一大。即便材料不同,也存在相互干扰。因此,复习时可采用文理交叉方式安排复习内容,以减少材料间的相似程度,也可以打乱材料的先后顺序进行复习以改善记忆效果不均衡的现象;另外,复习中间安排适当的休息和调整也有利于排除。一压抑、化解抑制。实践表明,晚上临睡前复习的内容在第二天早上一般都能得到清晰的回忆。 什么是背水一战法? 我们这里所说的背水一战,不是指在高考兵临城下的时候,临时突击,因为面对高考,靠几天的突击复习是无法侥幸过关的。我们指的是一种背水一战的心态,这种心态很有价值。当一个人遇到时间限制时,大脑会空前兴奋,全身心都投入到当前的活动。如果我们人为将高考"提前",将复习时间缩短,就可以调动全部潜能,进入高强度、高密度的记忆状态,由此大大提高单位时间的记忆量。事实表明,这种人为制造紧张空气的方法很有成效,尤适于那些平时抓不紧、意志较薄弱的同学。 高考复习每日学习计划安排 对于学习来讲,除了要对一年以来高考复习的时间要统筹安排外,合理安排每日时间,最大效率得提高复习效果尤为重要。以下每日学习计划安排,考生可以参考进行。 早上6点-8点:一日之计在于晨,对一般人来说,疲劳已消除,头脑最清醒,体力亦充沛,是学习的黄金时段。可安排对功课的全面复习。 早上8点-9点:据试验结果显示,此时人的耐力处于最佳状态,正是接受各种“考验”的好时间。可安排难度大的攻坚内容。 上午9点-11点:试验表明这段时间短期记忆效果很好。对“抢记”和马上要考核的东西进行“突击”,可事半功倍。 正午13点-14点:饭后人易疲劳,夏季尤其如此。休息调整一下,养精蓄锐,以利再战。最好休息,也可听轻音乐。但午休切莫过长。 下午15点-16点:调整后精神又振,试验表明,此时长期记忆效果非常好。可合理安排那些需“永久记忆”的东西。 傍晚17点-18点:试验显示这是完成复杂计算和比较消耗脑力作业的好时间。这段时间适宜做复杂计算和费劲作业。 晚饭后:应根据各人情况妥善安排。可分两三段来学习,语、数、外等文理科交叉安排;也可作难易交替安排。 以下是一位高考优秀考生的每日作息时间表,可供参考: 每天6:00起床, 6:30-7:30复习英语,7:40-9:40复习数学,9:50-11:50机动安排;中午午休;下午2:00-4:00复习化学,4: 10 -6:10复习物理;晚上2个小时复习语文;其余时间机动。在每一门课的复习中,不同阶段以不同内容为主,多看课本或多做习题,要掌握好。 总之,在总体计划的基础上,注意小块的时间安排,既要抓紧时间,又该有张有弛,这样才能以一个较好、较正常的心态去参加高考,才能考好!
第2个回答  2009-09-19

1. add to增加 增进 add up to 加起来是, 所有这一切说明
(1) This of course _______ our difficulties.
(2) The figures _______ 360.
(3) I don’t think these facts will _______ anything.
(4) The music _____ our enjoyment of the film.
2. break away from 逃脱,摆脱,破除,改掉
break in 强行进入,插话
break into 强行进入,突然开始
break down 身体垮了,(计划)失败,(机器等)坏了
break out 爆发,突然发生
break up 散会,(会议)结束,学期结束
break off 中断,断绝
(5) The thief _____ the police and ran into the woods.
(6) Don’t _____ while others are speaking.
(7) Then the car I was in _____, so I had to walk home.
(8) A house was ________ between midnight and 4 a.m.
(9) Excuse me for _______ like this , said the headmaster.
(10) We thought it was time to _____ the talk.
(11) A big fire _____ in the town last night.
(12) After ten years of hard work, his health is______.
(13) The meeting _____ without result.
(14) When does school_______?
3. bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使下降,使倒下
bring in 收庄稼,提出 bring out 说明,出版
bring up 提出,抚养,培养 bring back 使回想起
(15) The wind _____ a lot of trees last night.
(16) Xiao Li was ______ by his uncle in Shanghai.
(17) How can we _____ the price?
(18) This story ______ my unhappy childhood.
(19) This _____ a change in the balance of force.
(20) Farmers in the south have also ______ good crops.
(21) Next month they will ________ a new edition of book.
(22) Does anyone want to ____ anything further?
4. call at 停留,停靠 call for叫(某人)接某人,索取,需要有
call in 来访,找(请)来,收回 call off 取消,不举行
call on 拜访,号召 call out大声叫,请去
call up给---大电话,征召(入伍)
(23) He was ______ right at the beginning of the war.
(24) Doctors are often ______ in the middle of the night.
(25) The sports meet was ______ on account of the rain.
(26) The next day I went to ______ her again.
(27) He insisted that we should _____ a specialist at this point.
(28) The librarian has _____ all the books.
(29) Please wait for me at home. I’ll _____ you at your house at seven tonight.
(30) The train ______ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou.
5. come about (某情况)发生 come across 碰到
come along 一道去,赶快,生长,进行 come in 进来(站),存在
come down 下降,下落,传下来,传病 come for 来拿,来取
come from 出身于,来自 come out 出版,开花
come to 来到(某地),来参加(某项活动),合计,总共计,苏醒过来
come up 走过来, 出现
(31) Seeing the teacher_______, we all stopped talking.
(32) The magazine _____ once a month.
(33) I think the roses will ______ next week.
(34) Where do you _________?
(35) I ______ the book I lent you last month.
(36) I don’t know how this thing_____?
(37) I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. Perhaps I will _____ Xiao Li there.
(38) We are very glad that some prices have ________.
(39) Let’s wait till the train________.
(40) Please don’t keep him out in the cold. Let him_______.
(41) How are you _____ with the plan for your factory buildings?
(42) When I _______, I found myself lying in hospital.
(43) How much does the bill _______?
(44) We walked and walked, in the end we _____ a small mountain village.
6. cut down 消减,压缩,缩短 cut off 切断,断绝
cut out 删(省)掉,戒掉
(45) We must _______ our expenses.
(46) We were for _______ the cost of production.
(47) Let’s ________ the unimportant details.
(48) They were then almost completely ________ from the outside world.
7.get along 进行,相处 get back回来,找回
get down记下来,打下来 get over 克服
get on 上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行
get off 下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚
get out 拔出,洗掉,传出去 get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉
get up 起床,起身 get to 到达
get round 传开 get in touch with 和…..取得联系
(49) He _____ the watch he had lost.
(50) She spoke so fast that I couldn’t ________ what she said.
(51) On the way to school, I saw Xiao Li _______ Bus No.1.
(52) You won’t _____ so easily next time.
(53) _____ the rope, and I’ll try my best to pull you out.
(54) At what time do you _____ every day?
(55) How are you ______ with your work?
(56) We will find ways to _____ the difficulties.
(57) Only in this way can you _____ your headache.
(58) Write to us when you _______ Shanghai.
(59) The story has______, and everyone knows about it.
(60) When you arrive, you may ________ a friend of mine- Linda.
8. give in 屈服,让步,投降 give off 散发出
give out 分发,用完 give up放弃
(61) After the 90th failure, he was almost ready to ________.
(62) These flowers ______ a pleasant smell.
(63) After two months our food _______.
(64) The doctor advised my father to _______ smoking.
(65) We decided to _______ to the wish of the majority.
9.go against 违反 go ahead进行,进展,先走,走在前面,干吧,说吧
go all out全力以赴 go down 下降,减弱
go in for 从事(某种事业或活动) go off 爆炸
go on 继续下去,发生,进行 go out 熄灭
go over 审阅,检查 go round 够用,够分配
go down on one’s knees 屈膝下跪
(66) His actions ______ the will of the people.
(67) We shall have to _______ if we are to make a success of it.
(68) The prices are expected to _______ in two months.
(69) If you think that you can solve the problem, ________.
(70) He ______ and begged for mercy.
(71) A lot of students _________ playing basketball, football, and volleyball.
(72) The bomb _____ and killed ten people.
(73) What’s ________ outside?
(74) How did you _________in your examination?
(75) Suddenly all the light _______ and the room became dark.
(76) He ______ our written material word for word to correct and improve it.

10. have a word with 和…..讲句话 have a good time过得很好
had better 最好….. have on 穿着
have to do with和…..有关系
(77) Excuse me, may I ______ you?
(78) Did you ____ at the party?
(79) That _____ nothing _____ what we are discussing.
(80) It’s cold outside, you ______ put on your overcoat.
(81) Where did you get the shoes you ________ yesterday?
11. hear about 听到,听说 hear form 接到…..的信,从…..听到
hear out 听完(别人的话) hear of 听到说起
(82) Have you _______ the accident that happened the other day?
(83) I’ve just ______ Xiao Li that we’ll have an English examination next week.
(84) I don’t know him, but I’ve _____ him.
(85) I haven’t _____ my parents for a long time.
(86) Stop talking! Please ___ me_____.


12.hold back 阻碍,阻止 hold down 控制,镇压
hold on 别挂(电话), 支持下去 hold out 维持,坚持
(87) Hearing the news, she couldn’t ______ her tears coming down her cheeks.
(88) “_____, please. I heard a pleasant voice on the phone.
(89) These measures helped to _____ the city’s population.
(90) The water won’t _____ much longer.
13. keep off 防止,挡住 keep on 继续干
keep up with 赶上,不落在后面 keep (sth./sb.)out 不使…进入
keep in touch with和…保持联系 keep one’s word 守信,遵守诺言
(91) You should study hard if you want to ________ others.
(92) We had to think of a way to _______ the rain.
(93) It was raining, but they ______till the work was finished.
(94) The Chinese people always_________.
(95) The rain _____for several days.
(96) We have ____ each other after graduation.
(97) Don’t ______ me _____ in the cold. Let me in.
14.know about 了解,知道…的情况 know from 区分 know of 听说过,知道(有…)
be known as 被称为,是有名的 be known for 因…而出名 be known to all 众所周知
(98) It happened that I _______ him.
(99) It isn’t easy for a child to _______ right ______ wrong.
(100) I ______ a shop where you can get things like that .
(101) China is a large country, as _______.
(102) Hangzhou _____ its beautiful West Lake.
(103) She was well ______ an excellent dancer.
15.look after 照顾 look as if 看起来似乎
look back 回想,回顾 look for 寻找
look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 调查,了解,研究
look like 看起来像 look on 旁观
look out 注意 look on …as 把…看作,认为
look round 到外看看,来访 look through 翻阅,浏览
look up 查找 look down upon看不起
(104) I spent two hours_____ the students’ papers.
(105) Let’s hurry, it _____ it’s going to rain.
(106) I am _____seeing you again some day next month in Shanghai.
(107) ______!There is a big hole in front.
(108) Xiao Li took part in the games; the rest of us just _____ carefully.
(109) Many people _____ monkeys, they do things quickly without thinking.
(110) The man you are _____ has come.
(111) Sorry I can’t go with you, I must stay at home to _____ my brother.
(112) The workers were _______ in the old society.
(113) He _____ me _____ his sister.
(114) If you don’t understand the meaning of the word, you can ____ it ___ in the dictionary.
(115) I ___ but I could see nothing.
(116) They traveled from place , ____ matters of all kinds.
(117) As we ____ over the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude.
16. lose oneself 迷失方向 be lost in 消失在….中
be lost in thought 陷入沉思 lose heart 失去信心
(118) Don’t ____. I’m sure you’ll succeed.
(119) Soon he ____ the darkness.
(120) My mother sat silent for some time, ________.
(121) When walking in the forest, you must be careful not to _____.
17. pass away 去世 pass down 传下 pass on 谈下一个问题
(122) If there is no further discussion, let’s ________.
(123) The great man ________in 1998.
(124) The old house has been ____ for four generation.
第3个回答  2009-10-02
1.get away表示“逃走”、“逃掉”。
He got away just before the enemy came. 他在敌人来之前逃掉了。
2.get along表示“相处”。
In this way they managed to get along. 他们就这样相处了下来。
3.get back表示“回来”。
I’ll get back at 10 o’clock. 我10点钟回来。
4.get...back for...表示“把……给……取回来”。
Get it back for me and quickly! 把它给我取回来,要快!
5.get hold of表示“抓住”、“握”。
We have not been able to get hold of him. 我们一直没能抓住他。
6.get in表示“收获”、“收割”、“进来”。
They were busy getting in the crops. 他们正忙着收割庄稼。
Streets were widened so that fire engines could get in. 街道被加宽以便消防车能进来。
7.get into表示“陷入”、“染上”、“穿上”。
How did he get himself into such an awkward situation? 他怎么会陷入这种窘迫的境地?
What got you into the habit of taking drugs? 什么使你染上了吸毒的习惯?
I can’t get into the shoes. They are too small. 这鞋太小,我穿不进去。
8.get off表示“下来”、“离开”、“逃脱”。
Get off the bus carefully, or you may be hurt.下车当心,否则你可能碰伤。
We must get off before it gets dark. 我们必须趁天黑前离开。
They got off lightly. 他们轻易地逃脱了惩罚。
9.get on表示“上车”、“情况如何”。
Please get on the bus. 请上车。
I asked how he was getting on. 我问他情况怎么样。
10.get on well with...表示“与……和睦相处”。
I can get on well with all the classmates. 我能与所有的同学和睦相处。
11.get out表示“离开”、“出去”。
He took his cap and got out. 他拿了帽子出去了。
12.get rid of表示“摆脱”。
I’ll be glad to get rid of him. 摆脱掉他,我将非常高兴。
get together表示“相聚”、“联欢”。
The students of these two classes got together for an English evening. 这两个班的学生在一起开了一次英语晚会。
13.get through表示“(使)通过”。
I get through everything except biology. 除了生物,我所有学科的考试都通过了。
14.get up表示“起床”、“站起来”。
It’s time for you to get up. 该是你起床的时候了。
第4个回答  2009-10-05