


  其实口语跟写作在某些方面是想通的,特别是在答题的逻辑方面, 写作中用到的论述逻辑完全可以用在我们口语当中。
  1. 例证法
  2. 定义法
  3. 分类法
  4. 因果关系法
  5. 比较对照法
  6. 过程分析法
  在回答雅思和托福口语话题时可以广泛使用例证法,内容不够,例子凑。我们可以通过举例子的方法把复杂问题简单化,简单问题细节化。 例证法是我们首推的答案拓展方法。特别是在回答雅思口语part three 部分的问题时,因为第三部分的问题都是比较general的问题而且很多问题是同学们不太了解的内容,那么这个时候就可以通过举例子的方法把复杂问题简单化, 广泛问题具体化。
  How has shopping in China changed in the past few decades?
  I'd have to say that it has changed dramatically. When i was a child there were much fewer shops, all of which were state-owned and served very limited merchandise. Except basic daily necessities, you could hardly find any luxuries.
  Describe a teacher you admire the most 描述一位你最尊敬的老师
  I think a good teacher should be knowledgeable, especially in the field he teaches.
  Besides, he should know how to communicate with the students and understand their demands.
  A good teacher should be capable of attracting the students'attention and inspiring their interests.
  这道题目就是用定义法来描述一位自己认为是好老师的范文。 通过下定义的描述,这样一位有血有肉的好老师就活生生地展现在我们面前了。
  对于一些问题我们不能泛泛而谈,需要进行更细致的分类,别是当问题中出现people 这样的字眼的时候需要把人群进行一个分类,比如下面这道题目:
  Is music popular in your country?
  I think it depends on what kind of music you are talking about. Most people in China listen to music every day. As a rule, the younger generation usually listens to pop, rock or hip-pop music, whereas older people tend to listen to older Chinese songs or folk music. I think many wealthy people listen to classical music, sometimes going to live concerts.
  例如雅思口语part one 当中的一道题目:
  What is your favorite season?你最喜欢的季节?
  首先回答考官的问题:of the four seasons, i like spring the best.
  然后解释为什么最喜欢春天: I prefer spring because it is season of joy and gaiety. New life bursts out everywhere. Plants wear a green coat again and colorful flowers blossom in gardens and mountains. The old come outdoors and for fresh air and the young plan for outdoor activities. Life becomes so energetic and happy.
  第一段为本段主题句,末句是总结句。 考生在首先直接回答问题之后进行了解释为什么最喜欢春天。讲到了春天能够看到的景象:花花草草,人们出去做运动,一切都变得生机盎然,这样的回答是很充分的,也是拿高分的。 通过解释原因的方法来拓展答案是非常有效和常用的一种方法。
  再来看一道雅思口语part one中关于音乐的问题:
  Do you like listening to music? 你喜欢听音乐吗?
  Yes, i am a big fan of listening to music because i always feel relaxed when i am listening to some classical music. Besides, listening to music helps me to fall asleep more quickly.
  这道题目也是通过给原因的方法来进行拓展的。 给出两个原因来解释自己为什么喜欢听音乐。
  How do you get the latest news?
  题目问的是怎样获得最新消息的?首先回答自己获得信息最主要的方式是什么,然后再跟其他非主流方式进行对比, 比如看报,听广播。 这样的答案内容全面,
  Most of the time i prefer to obtain the latest news from the internet because the internet is very informative. But sometimes, I get the latest news by reading newspapers even though information from newspapers is limited, it is more reliable compared with that from the Internet. Occasionally i listen to the radio when i am at school without access to the Internet. And i think listening to the radio is very convenient and stimulating.
  雅思口语part two 中的一道真题:describe something you made your self
  I decided on its shape first. You know, i just chose a flat one coz obviously the basic form and could be easily carried around. Then i got a sheet of colored paper and cut out the shape. My cousin found some thin plastic stripes for me. I tired them together with a string, which, apparently, would be the frame of the kite. After that, we made the bridle, which connected the frame to the control line. Finally, i glued the paper to the frame.
  这个答案就用了过程分析法,通过使用以下的逻辑连接词来描述制作风筝的步骤: firstly, then, after that, finally. 整个内容层次清晰,连接词的使用加强了语气的连贯性。