
Let's not re-invent the wheel是什么意思啊,特别是wheel怎么翻译呢

Re-inventing the wheel从字面上来解释就是:重新发明轮子。但轮子早就存在,再发明不是多此一举吗?因此Re-inventing the wheel是一个俗语,指多此一举。
Let's not re-invent the wheel. 我们别再多此一举了。
第1个回答  2009-09-25
google的reinvent the wheel解释,其实说的都是一个意思,就是”浪费时间做别人已做好的事“
1.To redo work unnecessarily when it has already been done satisfactorily; to rethink an already working system, technique, etc.

to waste time recreating something that already exists in a perfectly usable and acceptable form

Reinventing the wheel is a phrase that means to duplicate a basic method that has long since been accepted and even taken for granted.
第2个回答  2009-09-25
咱不能重蹈覆辙。WHEEL 是轮胎的意思
第3个回答  2009-09-25
让我们不要重新发明轮子 wheel 轮子