

When the first group of people came to California as we know it now, no one can tell. However, it is likely that Native Americans lived in California at least 15000 years ago.

最早的一批人具体是在什么时候来到我们现在所知道的加利福尼亚地区的,谁也说不清楚。然而,很可能至少在15000 年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。

Scientists believe the settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America via a prehistoric land bridge. After the Europeans came here in the 16th century, the indigenous people suffered a lot. Thousands of people were killed or forced to become slaves.


In addition, the Europeans brought diseases, which made many people sick and died. However, some people survived these terrible periods. There are more Native Americans living in California today than in any other state.


In the 18th century, California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first came to South America in the early 16th century. They fought with the aborigines and seized their land.

西班牙人在18世纪的时候,加利福尼亚是由西班牙统治的西班牙士兵最早是在1 6世纪初期来到南美洲的,他们同土著人打仗,并夺取了他们的土地。

Two centuries later, the Spaniards settled in most of South America, and also in the northwest coast, which we now call the United States. Among the first Spaniards to move to California, most of them were religious people whose duty was to teach Catholicism to the aborigines.


In 1821, the Mexicans gained independence from Spain, and California became part of Mexico. In 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico. After the United States won the war, Mexico was forced to cede California to the United States.

1821 年,墨西哥人从西班牙获得了独立加利福尼亚于是成了墨西哥的一部分。1846 年美国向墨西哥宣战,美国赢得战争胜利后,墨西哥被迫把加利福尼亚割让给美国。

However, the state still retains a strong Spanish influence. That's why 40% of the people in California still use Spanish as their first or second language.




表示从过去观点看将来某时某动作已完成。在英语时态中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。 这个时态用得相对比较少,通常主要用于转述方面,即用于第三、四类条件句及间接引语中。

若表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,此时条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),而主句谓语则通常用过去完成时(would+have+过去分词),当然,主句谓语也可根据情况使用“should (could, might)+have+过去分词”。

如: If I’d left sooner, I'd have been on time.

