两百分三篇英语作文 ,好的话追加分...

NO.1 学生会将在艺术节期间组织一场学生文艺表演,欢迎有艺术特长的同学踊跃报名。请你代血水的文体写一张招聘小小音乐家的海报。

NO.2 假如你叫mary,你捡到一个钱包,请写一则招领启示,联系电话是926—3425




呃,随便写写就好, 能写多少写多少 = = (要大于一篇,不然我太亏了 = =)


第1个回答  2009-08-18
Don't take it to heart. You'll do better next time.

Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it.

Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK.

It's really hard for you.

It won't happen again.

Just forget it. Be a man!

He is a big wig.

I can't believe I've lost the game! --- Be a good sport.
He is a hen-pecked husband.

She is a wet blanket.

He is a yes-man.

Why did you bully him everyday? You've gone too far.

Why do you pick on your brother?

He is all talk but no action.

He is very cheap.

He is generous.

He got a ticket yesterday.

You ran a red light.

You nearly ran into the bus.

It's rush hour now. Let's take a taxi.

There are traffic jams everywhere.

I've got a headache and a fever, my nose won't stop running, everything hurts.

Many people are breaking down these days due to working stress.

I've gained much weight recently. I have to go on a diet.

You gave me your cold.

You are in a good shape.

If I were you, I would not smoke.

What about reading loudly for half an hour everyday?

What do you think of Helen?

Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?

I think I am going to die. --- Don't be silly.

Will you see me again? No, definitely not.

Wow! Your English is good. -No big deal.

It's not as bad as it seems.

I'm against it.

Oh, no! Pork again? I'm fed up with it. Can't we have a decent meal?

Shopping again? Oh, I've had enough.

Why do you pinch your nose? I just can't stand the odor. It stinks.

Today is not my day. I lost my wallet.

What luck! We've run out of gas.

The flowers died from want of water.

Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine.

This parking lot is for the use of employees only.

This dining hall is for the use of teachers.

He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea.

They decided to stay in support of the new leadership.

They made a lot of lively programs so sas to attract more children.

I left home at 5:00 in the morning so as to be there on time.

He went to the south in search of better prospects.

She immigrated to New Zealand in search of a quiet life.

His family moved to the countryside for the sake of his son's health.

He betrayed his friend for money's sake.

for one's own safety

For your own safety please don't smoke inside the plane.
Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety.

for future reference

Keep all the price lists on file for future reference.
You can take this booklet home for future reference.

for reasons of

The road has been closed for reasons of safety.

They switched to a new product for reasons of better profits.

in memory of

She set up an educational fund im memory of her mother.
This musem was built in memory of the great writer -Lu Xun.

in order to

Most students study hard in order to please the teacher.
Business schools are trying to improve their courses in order to produce better graduates.

for sb.'s benefit/for the benefit of

It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.

All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children.

for fear of

Put on a coat for fdar of catching a cold.

The weather in London is so changable that people always bring their umbrella with them for fear of rain.

as a result

As a result, the unemployment rate began to fall.

As a result, 50 per cent of the groundwater in cities is polluted.

in honor of

They are holding a birthday party in honor of the prince.

The book was written in honor of those who died in the war.

in favor of

He spoke at the meeting in favor of the plan.

Most educators are in favor of distance learning.
第2个回答  2009-08-16
Lost and Found
My name is mary,I have found a wallet ,now I want to post this to inform the person who lost his wallet to call me immediately.My number is 926—3425.
第3个回答  2009-08-16
Boys and girls:
As we all know,the Art Festical in our school is very important.And there will be many outside schools students visit the special day.So we`d love to see anybody who has this kind of skills to take part in this activity eagerly.
We have designed such programme including:singing pop music,folk dance,playing musical instruments and so on.So we need 6singer,4dancer and 5people to play instruments.
To show the spirit of our school.We want some excellent students to display it.Wecome to enter for the activity.And we wish we will achieve success.
The Students Union