

1. There are only two medicines for all sins - time and silence.
2. When people see your self-esteem, you will be valued. In our society, this adage is a hundred times more effective than the Greek dictum, knowing oneself. Today, knowing oneself is much more difficult than knowing one another, and knowing one another is more useful than knowing oneself.
3. 当一个人有了相当程度的财产以后,奢侈生活就成了必需的了;当一个人有了相当优越的地位以后,他的理想也才会越亮。
4. Father Faria said, if you want to know who wants to harm you, think about who benefits from your harm.
5. Learning does not mean knowing. There is a difference between a learned person and a person who can know. Memory makes the former, philosophy makes the latter.
6. Smart people never ask more about what they shouldn't know, and don't believe anything they don't want to believe.
7. Only those who like to spend time in pain and spend their lives in tears will do this. Such people have always been submissive, and presumably God will help them.
8. 让人见你自重,你就会被看重。在我们的社会里,这句格言可要比希腊人的箴言人贵自知管用一百倍,时至今日,自知要比知人难得多,而知人要比自知有用得多。
9. 我宽恕你,因为我也需要别人的宽恕。
10. The wicked will not simply die, because God seems to take care of them, and he will use them as a tool for his revenge.
11. 痛苦的经历一旦有人分担,痛苦就减少了一半。
12. The ruthless teaching teaches people what kind of eyes can be used to observe danger and what kind of patience can be used to endure pain.
13. 耐心的等待加之希望带来的动力,必然能迎来黎明的曙光。
14. 人生何所求,致富和自由。
15. 如果你渴望得到某样东西,你得让它自由,如果它回到你身边,它就是属于你的,如果它不会回来,你就从未拥有过它。
16. 凡是一个深陷在爱情里的人,是决不肯让他的钟表安安稳稳地向前走的。
17. 只有那些喜欢在痛苦中消磨时间,在泪水中度过生活的人才会这样,这种人一直逆来顺受,想必上帝会帮助他们的。
18. Hatred makes people blind, anger makes people irrational, and those who vent their hatred and revenge may end up drinking bitter wine by themselves.
19. The whole meaning of life is only five words: expectation and waiting.
20. 我们做过的每件事,果然都留下了它的痕迹,有的模糊,有的清晰!我们在人生历程上每走过一步,就像爬虫在沙地上蠕行,留下的是一条长长的印痕!