丰盛的早餐 英语


a big breakfast; A substantial Breakfast
双语例句:1、尽管吃了一顿丰盛的早餐,他还是设法吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。He managed to eat a big lunch despite having eaten an enormous breakfast。2、考试那天吃丰盛的早餐。Eat a hearty breakfast the day of the exam. Numerous studies prove that people perform mental tasks better on a full stomach。3、你对丰盛的早餐并无多大兴趣,用餐时你会相当随意。You do not go in for hearty breakfasts and you are pretty relaxed in regard to mealtimes。4、然后我会吃一顿营养丰盛的早餐以至于我能长的更高更壮。Then i'll take a nutritious breakfast because i want to be stronger and taller。5、吃一顿丰盛的早餐填满你的胃,让你感觉精力旺盛,何必只在周末吃大餐?Have a hearty delicious breakfast that fills you up and makes you feel strong, why only eat well on the weekends? Community: When Emotional Eating Is A Good Thing。6、他为自己做了一份丰盛的早餐,有水煮鸡蛋、法国土司、马铃薯饼和红萝卜汤。He made himself an enormous breakfast of poached eggs, French toast, hash browns and carrot soup。7、第二天早上,在每个人都美美地吃了一顿丰盛的早餐后,他单独把路易斯领到了一边。Next morning, after everyone had enjoyed a good breakfast, he led Louis apart from the others。