
希望哪位英文高手写好后能发到我邮箱里[email protected]


百货公司的地址 日期

Dear Sir,

Faulty Watch

With reference to the matter above, I would like to make a complaint about a faulty watch that I have bought at your premises a few days ago.

2. Contrary to what was promised, the watch is not water-proofed. Even a short exposure under the rain has caused water to seep through. This is a great problem for me since my work requires me to deal with water all the time and a watch that is not water-proofed will be quite useless in this case.

3. Even worse is the quality of the watch itself. The watch does not seem to be able to keep to the time well since it will constantly run slower by a few minutes in an hour. This creates a great problem for me, especiallly when left overnight. By then, the watch would have been slower by more than an hour or so and I would not have realized it and miss my appointments.

4. Seeing how much this watch has troubled me, I would like to request for a refund. If that is against your company policy, then exchanging it for another one which is in good working condition is also acceptable. I hope you can investigate into this matter and make sure that it does not happen again. I am sure giving empty promises would not be good for your company image.

5. Along with this letter, I have attached a photocopy of the purchasing receipt of the watch. I am grateful for your help in this matter and I look forward to hear from you soon.

Thank you.
