It was the day I met my hero作文怎么写?


Hero is a word we often hear.Especially in China,long time ago,so many people have been regarded as heros.For example,Guan yu,Yue fei, even like Liu fulan and so on.These people all have lofty spirit.They did not care themselves when they were in danger.The only thing they concerned about was the interest of public and nation.
In my opinion,all these people are heros.While different times have their own heros.Nowadays there are also many people use their lives to save others,to defend the interests of the people and country.All these people are heros in my eyes.
In my eyes, the people's police are the biggest heroes in today's society. They helped me find my bag that day when it was stolen.
第1个回答  2022-02-17
When I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to
me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father
loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything.
He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved
his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for
the woman,his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he
struggled(努力) for years with her disease. ( 疾病)Despite
disease of his own,he still stood by her side caring for her
and loving her until the day she died.
Twenty days later, he died. I lost my hero,my father, a
man who was my friend. .
A few years have passed, and the life has changed a lot.
But the love for my father won’t change and it will never end.
他生病了,但体力不足(力气) 让他活着。他爱
挣扎(努力) 多年来她一直在生病。( 疾病)即使
第2个回答  2022-02-28
Hero is a word we often hear.Especially in China,long time ago,so many people have been regarded as heros.For example,Guan yu,Yue fei, even like Liu fulan and so on.These people all have lofty spirit.They did not care themselves when they were in danger.The only thing they concerned about was the interest of public and nation.英雄是我们经常听到的一个词。特别是在中国,很久以前,很多人都被认为是英雄。例如,关羽,岳飞,甚至像刘福兰等等。这些人都有崇高的精神,他们身处险境时毫不在乎自己,他们唯一关心的是公众和国家的利益。
In my opinion,all these people are heros.While different times have their own heros.Nowadays there are also many people use their lives to save others,to defend the interests of the people and country.All these people are heros in my eyes.在我看来,所有这些人都是英雄。而不同的时代有不同的英雄。现在也有很多人用自己的生命去拯救他人,去捍卫自己的生命。
In my eyes, the people's police are the biggest heroes in today's society. They helped me find my bag that day when it was stolen.在我眼里,人民警察是当今社会最大的英雄,那天我包被偷了就是他们帮我找回来的
第3个回答  2022-02-19
It was the day I met my hero作文可以这样写:首先要介绍你的英雄他是谁,他在哪方面值得你称呼他为英雄,然后描述一下你们之间发现的事情,最后总结一下自己的内心想法。
第4个回答  2022-02-20
The hero in my heart is Zhao Yun, a famous general of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. Zhao Yun, Zi long, is a real person in Changshan. He grows eight feet, has thick eyebrows and big eyes, has a broad face, and is dignified.
  Once, I read the romance of the Three Kingdoms wholeheartedly at home. Zhao Yun, Liu Bei and others withdrew to Jiangzhou and were pursued by Cao Jun. When Liu Bei was rescued by Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun saw that hundreds of thousands of people and Liu Bei's family didn't know where to go, so he killed Cao Jun alone.

  When I read this, I thought: Zhao Yun is really a bloody man. How dare he break into the enemy camp alone! I can't help sweating for him. However, when I saw the words "such as entering a no man's land", I felt a sigh of relief. No wonder the poem praised him and said: "every horse dares to walk alone, destroy the front and break the enemy Ren Zongheng. They all call Flying Tigers brave and live up to the eternal name of heroes."

  Then I saw the story of Zhao Yun riding alone to save ah Dou. At that time, Liu Bei was cheated by Zhou Yu to marry in the state of Wu. Zhuge Liang had a plan in mind. He wrote the plan on paper and gave it to Zhao Yun. Then he asked him to lead 500 soldiers to set out.

  After arriving in the state of Wu, Zhao Yun opened the brocade bag prepared by Zhuge Liang and successfully returned Liu Bei to Jingzhou. Unwilling, Zhou Yu made another plan and brought Liu Bei's young son ah Dou back to the state of Wu. But on the way, Zhao Yun came by boat. The fleet of the state of Wu fired arrows. Zhao Yun hit the arrows into the water with his weapon green sword, and then jumped on the boat and hugged ah Dou. Zhao Yun is really brave and good at fighting. I'm really convinced that he can put so many arrows into the water.

  Zhao Yun is brave and resourceful. He is the most perfect hero in my heart. No wonder Liu Bei praised him for "being brave all over"!