

1. The simplest and most common way to ask about someone's age in English is to use the structure "What is your age?" Variations of this question include "What's your age, please?" and "How old are you?"
2. If you want to inquire about the number of years someone has lived, you can use "How many years have you lived?" or "How many birthdays have you had?" These questions focus on the numerical value of age.
3. Using "whom" instead of "you" to ask a question creates a more formal tone. This approach is often used when asking about someone's experience. For example, "Whom have you been acquainted with for how many years?"
4. To ask about the length of someone's experience in a particular field, use "How long have you been working in this field?" or "How long have you been studying English?" These questions are specifically about the duration of experience.
Here are the revised examples in both English and Chinese:
1. What is your age? (你多大了?)
2. How many years have you lived? (你活了多少年?)
3. Whom have you been acquainted with for how many years? (你和谁一起度过了多少年?)
4. How long have you been working in this field? (你在这个领域里工作了多久?)
5. What's your age, please? (请问你的年龄是多少?)